What's Bothering You?

I’m in a really really bad mood right now for many reasons. Just need to vent. (Sorry)
  • Was not productive at all today at work and I have a looming deadline that’s going to be near impossible to make (aka really stressed right now)
  • I really need to send off job applications but that didn’t happen today again as I was late so I didn’t have time in the morning and at lunch break I left since I was also in a bad mood
  • FedEx still has my package for my boyfriend’s birthday gift that was last weekend and I don’t want to deal with my anxiety to call them right now
  • My head, neck and back all ache
  • I don’t want to make the 45min drive home on the major accident prone highway right now (emphasis on needing a new job again)

Just ugh 💩
My client is getting their house bombed for cockroaches tomorrow and they insist that they can leave all of their food out on their table. Even the bug guy told them to put it in their car, but they won’t because it interferes with them going to karaoke later. I can not understand it because the last time I couldn’t even step into their house without feeling sick let alone eat food that was present while it’s being done. Bombing is very toxic and unhealthy. I’m a little concerned that they’re going to hurt themselves. I’m just glad that they no longer have pets.
Now I have to fill out an incident report stating that I warned them that they could get sick if they leave their food in the house because if they get sick then it’s on file that I told them.
steam cleaners came back a second time and the pee smell is greatly improved. unfortunately, there is still one pee spot remaining and we will have to schedule again for a spot treatment :c at least the whole living room doesnt smell anymore. also we found out that hoa wont turn on the heating until winter, but its already been very cold at night so looks like we will be getting a space heater. i cant figure out if not having access to heat is legal or not in colorado, but im so tired of dealing with the landlord who minimizes our complaints and practically calls us liars d: its pretty much not worth it to reach out to her

also the neighbors now have a giant untrained dog that barks so loudly and bares its teeth at you and lunges when you just walk out to the back porch. hopefully the dog calms down after theyve lived here some, but its pretty terrifying. its a very powerful breed so its even more important for the owners to make sure they take time to train it and walk/run it to get rid of excess energy. thankfully the dog was leashed when i went onto the back porch bc our porches are only about 6 feet apart with no fencing or other barrier. tbh though will the way it was lunging and barking and growling and showing me the scary face i am fearful of what will happen if it ever gets off leash. hopefully it wont happen again bc i get so tense walking out onto the back porch now
I read some pretty scathing reviews of a place I'm interviewing with, so that's not exactly something that's giving me much hope for the future. I'd like to think I won't have those problems, but it'll be quite the journey to see how it really is. I think it could be worth the experience, though. I was never really planning on staying there for more than a few years to be honest.
Turns out the reviews are 100% correct which makes this decision way easier. Definitely not worth it.

Also, a client gave me a(n admittedly deserved) negative review, but their writing is definitely misleading. Luckily I think this was just a one-off. Still bummed, though. I wish there was a way to make comments on it. I provided the student with the answer after the session, so hopefully they understand and feel differently. Just give me time to think through!
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I know earlier I mentioned something about people getting mad at me for making a decision that made me happy. They didn’t know any of the context of the situation.

They still don’t, but now there’s even more rumors about things not even relating to my decision. People I thought were my good friends turned out to just be fake and tell others lies about me. This is ridiculous. I just don’t know what to do, but I’m tired of it.

One of the people ended up telling my best friend that I was only friends with her because I felt bad for her. I’m so, so, mad right now. Why all this because of a decision that didn’t concern you? Something that made me happy for once? To think that I stayed with you for so long during all your hardships, for you to just do this to me?
I’m not sure I like my new work schedule.I was hoping for an early shift, but not the earliest shift. I’m so not even an early bird, but I keep picking the early shift option, because I don’t want to have a night shift either. This wasn’t my first option, but I guess it’s better than the worst option.

I hate leaving work super late, but I hate coming to work super early. I guess I have to wake up earlier now. Right now my shift starts literally 15 minutes after, and I die a little each morning lol 🥱😬
I hate how clingy I can be. Whenever I’m exchanging messages with someone for the first time I tend to double text and obsessively await responses. This is true both platonically and romantically. In the past it’s scared people off, including that abusive ex I had. At least I’ve gotten better at telling when someone is annoyed by my presence.
I hate how clingy I can be. Whenever I’m exchanging messages with someone for the first time I tend to double text and obsessively await responses. This is true both platonically and romantically. In the past it’s scared people off, including that abusive ex I had. At least I’ve gotten better at telling when someone is annoyed by my presence.
You never came off as clingy to me.

I’m having a lot of anxiety lately about myself. When I’m in social situations I always feel like people hate me or I don’t know how to act because I’m so cautious about people that I usually try to get a sense of peoples personalities before I feel comfortable with them so I come off as cold or people don’t understand my sense of humor. I really wish I wasn’t like this. I wish I was good at socializing.
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I'm freaking out over something small and stupid for work and I'll probably get there tomorrow and it'll be all good, but anxiety likes me to freak out anyway

it seems that may random burst of happiness has come to an end.
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still smells like pee after second carpet cleaning and three enzyme treatments over their visits. landlord wont believe us because apparently the cleaners are telling her theres no smell even though they removed their mask to sniff the ground and confirm the smell before they did any cleaning last time. going to call the cleaners since they said call back if the smell is still there and hopefully get an understanding of the reports. if they come back i will measure out the dimensions of the spot and have them sign off that it smells lol. landlord said they wont come back and she wont pay for any more carpet cleanings (even though they were completely free bc the company scheduled wrong). thats what happens when previous tenants have cats that pee all over, it soaks deep and multiple cleanings arent unusual for these untreated problems. if the cleaners dont come back, i will be hiring an inspector so that our landlord will actually believe us. she says she wants to believe us and take us seriously but she keeps treating us as if we are lying. she even called our previous landlord (my partners mom) to tell her about how were lying about the carpet and ask if we did the same to her... good thing our previous landlord called to let us know.... 🙃 our current landlord emailed saying how she is super busy with being a soldier and we need to be respectful but all we have done is respectfully report our issues with the apartment and how it has been handled while maintaining the lease and paying in full on our end. no better respect that honesty and taking care of their property. hopefully i can get enough solid indisputable proof that the carpet smells like cat pee and then it will be fixed. hard when your landlord is remote and doesn't believe you

edit: left a voicemail with the cleaners so hopefully i get some results when they call back. tried calling various inspectors and cleaning companies but they cant help with confirming the pee smell. its hot today and the smell is getting so bad inside i can smell it through two face masks ;-; i wish landlord could just smell it so we could leave at this point. im not sure a forth or fifth enzyme treatment will work and i dont want to deal with long distance scheduling of construction for carpet replacement. this sucks. why is there nobody who can help short of me calling a lawyer? i dont want to escalate the situation i just dont want to smell pee anymore my goodness
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I absolutely love seeing things that probably aren't there, but I can't confirm that it is there either

For context: my eyesight is bad. I am very near sighted, I see things that aren't there, and I have astigmatism and oscillopsia. Not only do my eyes have trouble focusing on things (astigmatism), esp with text on a screen, but my night vision sucks. I see shadows and objects move that aren't actually moving (oscillopsia). And to top it all off, there are times were I will see somethin out of the corner of my eye or barely see somethin that isn't there. It's usually something small and dark. I usually see somethin that looks like black birds in the dark. But today coming in my room I really thought I saw somethin brown and fuzzy on my loft bed (top bunk) that was on my balled up messily tossed blanket. I barely saw it thou. I poked in my blanket a bit but I know some animals or bugs don't come out unless their hidey hole has been compromised. Sometimes a poke in their general area won't do.

There's no way it could be an animal, and I hope it wasn't a bug I saw, but like, that's my bed! I go on there every night I sure hope nothing is getting in my bed sheets.
my pc is pretty unusable now, it only last a minute before it restarts by itself. I probably have to get someone to look at it
My cat kept bothering me and haven’t been able to fall asleep. I was hoping today wasn’t the day we were going grocery shopping but it is and I found out i have counseling today. I am so mad. I think i’m just going to tell my counselor i’ll make an appointment if i need to talk. seriously no point talking and only getting more mad because her questions bother me even about the happier things. i really don’t want to leave the house either; i know i have to get groceries but i would rather have them delivered here tho last time we had them delivered they didn’t get everything we wanted and was overpriced. i know my mom is pretty much trying to help me get me out of the house but i think it is making me want to leave less and less.
Gave it my best shot by being in the Best Buy line for two hours. Showed up about 15 people too late. Maybe someday, PS5! :rolleyes:
i hate feeling like i’m on bad terms w this one person so i wished them happy birthday and whether they answer or not i guess will confirm whether we’re on bad terms or not?☹️
I only have two VCRs and the one that is able to rewind tapes just pooped out on me. now I gotta go to a thrift store and pray that I can find a working tape rewinder or, I suppose, a working VCR. what a hassle, I was just ready to watch a movie while embroidering :(
Bit bummed I didn't manage to grab older copies of two of the books in the series I'm reading, feel pretty weird having like revised modern copies them since they have a language and setting of their times, oh well.
that response was not what i expected but i had too high expectations 😕