What's Bothering You?

My partner ate my sandwich meat that I specifically picked out at the store 😠
my mom is making me go purse shopping after the appointment i have tomorrow. i need to get one but i just don’t feel like. dreading going out. My depression is still really bad. :/.
I can solve your problem for you
I think it's almost time to replace my bed. I have loved my bed over the past decade or so, but I think my back is getting sore because of it. It's slumped in the middle and some of the springs have collapsed and made it lumpy. Beds are not cheap and my bank account isn't ready for this financial hit it's about to take lol
I think it's almost time to replace my bed. I have loved my bed over the past decade or so, but I think my back is getting sore because of it. It's slumped in the middle and some of the springs have collapsed and made it lumpy. Beds are not cheap and my bank account isn't ready for this financial hit it's about to take lol
Had this problem come up a couple of months ago. I fixed the slump by putting something underneath the mattress where the divot is, and now I can sleep again. (I used a small, thin blanket, but towels or pillows could work too) It's probably a temporary fix, at least that's what google kept telling me, but I'm broke, so 🤷‍♀️

woke up with a sore stomach. feel very blah
I can solve your problem for you

☺️ Thanks so much. I hope you’re doing better yourself 🙂.
I’m really tired but it’s so hard to sleep on the bus with someone next to you. It’s also cold.
Yeah, I'm a **** friend. I'm a ****ty person to be in any relationship with, especially romantically. Too involved in my own head, so...

And I guess I'll be skipping class again today. Along with work. Might come in at the afternoon shift...

i feel rlly lonely : (

I'll give you a hug. It'll be ok. 🧡 Try and make it through today Meraki.
Mom being like toxic and energy-draining... Like stop venting to me every single second we're home at the same time, I'm dead tired of you sounding like a broke record. Go see a shrink, you can well damn afford it.
i hate how every time a day comes up where i have to go to my internship I suddenly get really bad anxiety/stress and I just want to curl up in bed and do nothing 😞
My dentist took all my money again and even the money I didn't have yet. Plus I paid for meds that I didn't even need (too sleepy to think right). Then back home I noticed that some nasty little bugs were eating all my basil plants.
Whelp I reviewed what attachment styles were (I learnt about them in High School). I’m the literal definition of someone with an anxious attachment style. It’s painful to remember this, but it explains a lot about how I connect with others. At least I have a new therapist now…
I’m upset that I’ve been in such a bad mood lately. I’ve been spread too thin these past few days with very little time to myself. I feel bombarded by everyone and like I can’t put myself first for more than a few minutes. I’m in great need of a change, but I don’t know how to proceed.
Can't vomit no matter how hard I try or how recent I ate
say psych rn I swear bro

This is what I get for going over my limit
i'm honestly about to give up on looking for a flat, it's too depressing, all the ones i like are gone within 24 hours and way above asking price
**** this is weather. It’s been absolutely pouring down for 2 days straight. It means work is really quiet since we can’t work in torrential downpours, but it’s also incredibly intense because the sewer system is overflowing and the towns flooding LMAO
first red day for the month and it hurts like hell. i just wanna lie down and play acnh to make me feel less ****ty but i have a project due tomorrow ; -; im also craving for mcdonalds hhhh maybe i'll drop by later
**** this is weather. It’s been absolutely pouring down for 2 days straight. It means work is really quiet since we can’t work in torrential downpours, but it’s also incredibly intense because the sewer system is overflowing and the towns flooding LMAO
weather update: it's still raining

the whole district is in a state of emergency now 🙃