starting to get real fricked off with my parents (but mostly my mom) telling me it's "cruel" and "not right" for us to keep our kittens as indoor cats because they're "going to miss out on so much of the world" and "it's not fair" etc. when they're not even their cats, and it won't be them paying the vet bills if something goes wrong. (not that they do for their current older cats either. it's me.) i don't have an issue with people who let their cats outdoors, especially since two of mine are outdoor cats and the third is in the summer, but i don't want the same for my kitten specifically because she's quite rambunctious and a bit of a troublemaker -- i know she'll be dumb enough to drink antifreeze (which killed one of our first cats) or go near cars/the road (which injured our first cat, resulting in euthanasia, and likely killed one who went missing earlier this year) and anything else dangerous. not to mention that some people can be total a-holes to black cats. our second youngest after them was also a troublemaker, and he ended up with his tail getting infected and amputated after doing something outside. semi-recently, he also injured his paw and had to go to the vet for anti-inflammatories. (he wouldn't let them examine it, so we don't know what exactly was wrong, but he's fine now.) my parents' main complaint is that they want the backdoor open in the summer when it's hot, but we literally have a net door thing they bought this year (when they were too young to go out) and while it doesn't reach at the bottom, that can be blocked off with a bit of wood that's literally sitting in the garden right now. ugh, it just frustrates me so much, and now she's like, "if they're indoor cats, they have to go," and i genuinely can't tell if she's serious or not. even if she's not, i'm constantly worried about them deliberately letting the kittens out anyway or not caring enough to make sure they don't escape (especially in summer) and making it even harder for us to keep them as indoor cats.