What's Bothering You?

if I'm gonna have to deal with the fact I was born a girl, I could've at least been a pretty one lol
i keep waking up with really achey, almost painfully so, legs. i've heard this can be a side effect of anaemia, which i have, so i hope it's just that. really annoying regardless 😭
I think it's important now more than ever to educate people on vaccines, masks, social distancing, and why they're very important. I know how difficult it is to change people's minds and lifestyles (sometimes I find it difficult, too!), but I think reassuring people through education will help them reconsider at the very least. Vaccines sound scary, especially when you don't know what's in them! So knowing more about them and why majority of professionals recommend them can ease your fears.

Medical health professionals and those in training (like me) don't have a choice on the number of people we have to serve on the daily, and it's really disheartening to see us not even being taken into consideration when others make their own choices. At the very least, please take caution when going out! Wear your mask, stay hygienic, socially distance yourself. Help us lessen the spread of diseases so we can lighten the burden for everyone around. A little social responsibility goes a long way.

(This whole pandemic and how it's being handled has been bothering me, if that hasn't been clear with the post LOL)
The wind is absolutely ferocious right now and definitely putting me more than on edge right now, plus the drop in pressure from the storm has given me a lingering headache. To anyone other forum members in the UK right now, stay safe.
waiting on my background check is killing me .-. im so stressed that something will go wrong even though ive never failed a background check before and havent even had as much as a parking ticket on my record. its been a week now and i just cant bring myself to go to bed at a reasonable hour. i probably wont sleep at all tonight since its already after 4am.. im really hoping everything will be alright and i can officially sign my employment contract soon

edit: woke up to a voicemail saying i passed the background check ;-; im so relieved
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temperature was 55F outside yesterday so it was actually pretty cozy in my room, but now it's back down to ~20F so my room is freezing again (and on Tuesday it'll be back up to 58 yet againnn djfgjdsdfs)
this is when it's really nice to have multiple heated blankets
pretty sure my cat has gingivitis and needs a tooth out. he's always eaten weird, but in the last few days he keeps sticking his tongue out constantly and sometimes closing his mouth at a weird angle. just tried to brush his teeth, and his mouth bled and we noticed one of his back teeth is really rotten, like black and stuff, and i know one on the other side looks like it has a lot of dark yellow plaque on it. i know he needs to go, but i'm dreading the cost because cat dental care is expensive. i'm on benefits, and he's not even technically my cat, but i'm always the one who pays the vet bills because none of them would ever go otherwise, and my mom definitely isn't going to take him for something like this because money's tight atm. idk, my nan will probably supplement some of the cost because she's a sweetheart, but i definitely feel bad about it. idk, i guess we'll see what the total will be when i take him. our vets usually charges reasonably, but idk if they do payment plans or anything.
jesus, the wind here is insane. since we're pretty inland, nothing usually happens when they announce storms, but this one has wreaked havoc and done some serious property damage lol. our left neighbor's far fence was ripped up and thrown into their garden, a panel from our right neighbor's fence has been knocked over, and the neighbor one over to the right's fence is about to snap and crash into the alleyway any hour. the bike cover i bought my brother for christmas has also just peaced out completely and gone god knows where with the wind, leaving his bike on the ground. damn.

Talking about pandemic, I really hate when people call and nag you to see them. It's like chill I probably have other plans and you throwing that bait just because you want me to sit at your place when it's still pandemic; NO.
jesus, the wind here is insane. since we're pretty inland, nothing usually happens when they announce storms, but this one has wreaked havoc and done some serious property damage lol. our left neighbor's far fence was ripped up and thrown into their garden, a panel from our right neighbor's fence has been knocked over, and the neighbor one over to the right's fence is about to snap and crash into the alleyway any hour. the bike cover i bought my brother for christmas has also just peaced out completely and gone god knows where with the wind, leaving his bike on the ground. damn.

I know how you feel, the wind was pretty scary for a few hours earlier on. I’ve lost two fence panels and my mum’s car got hit by an electric box door. Thankfully the damage has all been minimal and the winds are now dying down but it’s flipping cold now. 🥶
the person whom I was gonna buy the genet plush from just kinda stopped contacting me like 2 days ago, sent another email a few hours ago asking for a follow-up and no reply. oh well.

guess I'll be waiting until it pops up somewhere else, just wish it wasn't so stupid hard to find a genet plush online lol.
Why do I pay $20 a year for servers that work worse than the free ones for 3DS/Wii U even though it's the same. Sigh.
They're actually worst. But hey at least they're not charging us double for some elite membership that pushed out features that were never configured properly to the Switch. Oh...

Waiting for something from USPS to show up some day. I don't know when or if it will ever show up. It's already 5 days past expected delivery. Hopefully it does show up and I don't have to go through the hassle of getting a refund on Etsy. Plus with it being stuck in limbo, a handmade item seems more likely to be damaged just sitting around.
Why do I pay $20 a year for servers that work worse than the free ones for 3DS/Wii U even though it's the same. Sigh.
Its kind of sad :( We have to PAY money just to play online when it isnt even good.... Also am I the only one who thinks its wrong to lock the other types of fruit by paying the $20?? Like it was already hard enough if you did not have friends and now its impossible. It was like a beginner goal! I only pay for it because I love playing Splatoon and ACNH online and thats all. The fact that the Tick rate on Splat 1 is over double the tick rate in Splat 2 is VERY SAD
Its kind of sad :( We have to PAY money just to play online when it isnt even good.... Also am I the only one who thinks its wrong to lock the other types of fruit by paying the $20?? Like it was already hard enough if you did not have friends and now its impossible. It was like a beginner goal! I only pay for it because I love playing Splatoon and ACNH online and thats all. The fact that the Tick rate on Splat 1 is over double the tick rate in Splat 2 is VERY SAD
We didn't even pay for NL and got real multiplayer. Now all anyone can do is stroke their ego when they show off their island designing simulator.

Heck, Smash Ult's online is garbage compared to Smash4. I remember desperately wanting something better than 4fun/4glory and now I'd take that in a hearbeat over the crap they gave us with gsp.