• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

:( i’m so sorry, parker. you don’t deserve to deal with that at all. i know this is easier to hear than believe, but if your family can’t accept you and love you for the amazing person you are, then they aren’t your family. your sexuality and/or gender identity does not define you. you are so much more than that, and if your family doesn’t see that... screw them. it’s their loss, they don’t deserve you.

it’s completely valid to feel confused, disappointed, hurt, etc. whatever you feel right now is okay and totally understandable. there’s no rush to move on or get over it; let yourself feel your feelings, and take all the time in the world you need to do so. ily, and my pms are always open to you if you need me. 🖤

I feel like I'm really annoying. I don't know why, but I feel like I'm weird and get on people's nerves. I really just wanna take time away from people for a little while, but I also want to be around people. I honestly don't know anymore. I'm just not in the greatest mood right now.
this probably won’t mean much coming from a practical stranger, but i don’t think you’re annoying at all. from the brief interactions we’ve had to your posts that i’ve seen across the forums, you seem very kind, cool and like you have a great personality. it’s totally valid to want to be alone while also wanting to be with people, i feel the same way sometimes, but i think you’re pretty cool. i hope your mood improves soon, hang in there. 💗

If that happened on this forum, which it sounds like it did from reading that, you should be able to report it. I think that qualifies as trolling.

Anyway, I like how you always wish people a happy birthday. I love receiving birthday messages on or off the forum. I’m sure it means a lot to people!
thank you! it did unfortunately happen on the forums, but i don’t think it’ll be a problem since i think the user may have actually already been suspended or banned for something lol. their username colour is weird, and i don’t see them around anymore. but i never thought to report it. i probably should have since they honestly posted quite a few other critical posts of other users, their decisions, threads, etc. their post about me definitely hurt my feelings, but i didn’t think that was a good enough reason to report it, and i didn’t want to waste a mod’s time. the post also really confused me since they had literally just joined and we had never interacted before, so i have no idea why my posts bothered her so much. regardless, that incident made me feel like i’ve annoyed other people as well, they’ve just never voiced it anywhere i could see lol.

but thank you (and @xSuperMario64x!) for responding! it means a lot. 💜
Ive had a little Fire Bellied toad since I was ten, and yesterday... i found him dead. I have never cried so hard

I just wanna hold, and see him hoping around. But.. I can't. I feel so broken without him.
ngl i didnt think my family was gonna separate so hard after me coming out... i mean i was expecting them to make me feel uncomfortable with their questions and judgmental comments and then i was going to have to distance..... butttttt it seems like i dont have to do much lol i guess a quiet separation is better than some huge fight where they tell me its people like me ruining society but i cant help but feel a little bummed that they just seem to want out.... its confusing. im sure ill move on with time though
It's hard when things like this happen. There's been a lot of bad blood with some of my family. Not for the same reason, but years later I can say that I am better without them. It sucks and it's terrible that it had to go down the way it did for you. I'm really sorry for that. I know we haven't really chatted much on the forums, but you always seemed like a cool member to me.

Sometimes your blood family isn't really your family, if that makes any sense. I've have family and friends that are great people to have in my life while also having family/friends that are just overall terrible people. If you can cut contact with toxic friends the same should apply to family to. Depending on your living situation, I can understand that may be difficult.

Take care of yourself and keep pressing on. You'll have people in your life who will accept you for who are you, whether now or later. It's probably a cheesy 'pep-talk' but it's true. I have a cool niche group of Civil War reenactors I always meet up with and it always feels like coming back to family reunion whenever we band together for another event.
So one of my newer friends at work who is 19 (we aren’t close, but we do talk occasionally) showed me and one other person her foot this morning. According to her, she fell outside. Idk if I buy that, but I didn’t want to pry, especially since we aren’t that close.

Basically the entire top of her foot has several layers of skin ripped off and it was purple. She ended up going to the emergency room and she has to take a few days off because she tore a ligament. I just don’t know how any type of “fall” can do that damage to the top of her foot.

She did tell me she’s been fighting with her boyfriend for the past few days. I just hope he’s not abusive to her, because the way she said that “she fell” just didn’t sound sincere? The other person agrees with me, but we didn’t want to pry of course.
Ive had a little Fire Bellied toad since I was ten, and yesterday... i found him dead. I have never cried so hard

I just wanna hold, and see him hoping around. But.. I can't. I feel so broken without him.
i’m so sorry, friend. fire-bellied toads are honestly so cool. i know how devastating it is, but i know you gave him the best life possible and that he loved you as much as you love him. my pms are always open if you ever need to talk. //virtual hugs

@xara I'm sorry to hear about your classes. Are these required for your degree? How many times have they not shown up? You could maybe make a case to get a partial refund and keep the class/grade. Don't quote me on that, but if you raise hell, it's possible. It's not right for the school or professors to treat a paying customer in such a way where they are not meeting the service and education they are required to give. I don't know. I certainly wouldn't be learning anything if class was constantly cancelled or never started because the online professor just never bothers to 'show up'.

Don't worry about the tool being bothered by someone going out of their way to wish/give blessings to them. They're not worth your time or anyone's for that matter. It's a small act of kindness that sure it doesn't take that much time, but how many times have you seen someone go out of their way, even for a second, for a stranger to give them kindness and compassion? Exactly. It's people like that user why some people are the way they are. They should learn to shove a sock in their mouth.

What you're doing is very kind of you. And while some goofball gets bent out of shape, know that most will have their day brightened by your small act of kindness.
i’m actually still in high school lmao. lots of mental and physical health crisis’s over the past few years have caused me to be unable to attend school at times for long periods, which then led to me falling behind in the credits i need in order to graduate, which then led to me still being in high school at age 20. so, i’m not a paying customer lol. i’m just bothered because waking up in the mornings is difficult for me, especially since i don’t sleep all that well at night anymore, so i’d much rather get an extra hour and 15 minutes of sleep/rest than wake up for a class that’s been cancelled. i also hate that she often forgets to post the google meet link for class, and doesn’t remember until 20-30 minutes after class has already started. she’s also said some pretty questionable things during class that made me a bit uncomfortable lmao. i don’t know, i just don’t feel all that encouraged to attend a class where the teacher is absent most of the time, and when she’s not, she focuses more on her in-person students than her online ones. they are who she takes the time to interact with, get to know, help, etc. we haven’t even talked once since the class started, and she doesn’t really seem to care how i (or her other online students) are doing in terms of understanding the work; she just seems to care about whether or not it gets handed in. a first world problem, but still a bit agitating lol.

thank you so much. i don’t think it’ll be a problem anymore since like i said, i don’t think they’re on tbt anymore, but the whole thing still upset me. like, if it really bothered them that much, why didn’t they just block/ignore me instead of posting about it and complaining about it to someone else? their reasoning was that getting through my posts to get to other ‘new posts’ was annoying, but i don’t think profile posts are even included in the new posts list? so, not too sure what the problem was or why they were so rude about it lol, but i’m just glad it’s over. i don’t want beef with anyone on here lol.

thank you for taking the time to respond. its been reassuring to know that not everyone finds me or my posts annoying aha. 💜
around like 2pm I randomly got a headache out of absolutely nowhere and despite taking Excedrin it has not gone away, even 8 hours later. guess I'll just have to sleep it off even though I'm really not tired and there are still a few things I would like to do, oh well 🙃
@xara I don't find anyone here annoying! Tbh I've gotten to know you and few others a bit better from when I first started to actively be here and you're a very cool person. And sorry about that, I must've mixed it up with someone else who is currently in college. Wasn't my intention to assume, but hey you probably only got a few more months of this and you're home free right? Just stick it out a bit longer and you'll be done.

@xSuperMario64x Headaches can be such a pain. Have you tried drinking some water? Be sure to have a cup filled and drink it steadily. It really does help to alleviate them a bit. Hope you feel better!
Ive had a little Fire Bellied toad since I was ten, and yesterday... i found him dead. I have never cried so hard

I just wanna hold, and see him hoping around. But.. I can't. I feel so broken without him.

I know I already said in DMs, but I'm really sorry about your toad, Cylie. Animals are such cute creatures, especially toads, and I can't imagine how heartbroken you must feel. I know he had a good life though if you were the one taking care of him. I hope you feel better soon. 💚
my grandma is having a literal hissy fit because i stayed up for longer on a friday night. i usually go to sleep at 10 but i went upstairs at 11. my grandma got mad because apparently im not supposed to stay downstairs with my father after my mom has gone to bed. my grandma has serious beef with my dad because like 5 months ago they had a massive fight about something that happened while my mom was in the hospital 2 years ago. my dad lost his temper and my grandma has had a problem with him ever since. also apparently it is my responsibility to tell my brother to go to sleep? she infantilizes him so much, he’s 15 years old so y’know i think he can take himself upstairs without having me telling him to.

she wonders why i don’t like to be around her sometimes, it’s because she has a tantrum about stupid stuff like this. she has always placed more responsibility on me than on him.
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My brother just barged into my room without knocking, which was not appreciated (I was browsing fanfiction on AO3). First he starts tugging on my bed for some reason, and I tell him to get out. Then he he whips me in the face with a rag, throws my pencils on the ground, but what he did afterwards was just awful... He took my bisexual flag, said "garbage", then threw it on the ground like he did with the pencils. I don't know whether I should be annoyed or upset by this.
My brother just barged into my room without knocking, which was not appreciated (I was browsing fanfiction on AO3). First he starts tugging on my bed for some reason, and I tell him to get out. Then he he whips me in the face with a rag, throws my pencils on the ground, but what he did afterwards was just awful... He took my bisexual flag, said "garbage", then threw it on the ground like he did with the pencils. I don't know whether I should be annoyed or upset by this.
just asking, how old is your brother? if you don’t mind tell me.
I know I've said this too many times, but man I really can't wait to go home and my life to return to normal again. I haven't been this frustrated and depressed with my life for ages. It's painful living with family lmao
I’m starting to feel burnt out running a shop in Nook’s Cranny to the point I just wanna take a break from it, which I’m considering more everyday.
Neopets. I wish they could fix Neopian Times submission hold and stuff cause I talked to the person in charge of that and they said my comic should have been in this issue. But it were not, and I think it's rude to make such a promise weeks ahead when I'm usually the one submitting since my collab partners are usually more busy and you probably can't submit properly anyway. Just makes me a bit mad since I need the avatar there and I'm really close.
I slept for a few hours earlier, but I have to sleep a bit more before I go to work. Just things seem so unreal. Things are going really well with this girl and she actually has communication which is a big thing… just hard to believe at the moment how great things seem to be going. I’m just laying here thinking about it, and her.