• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

@xara if they don't even appreciate a simple happy birthday message then maybe they don't deserve one. when my bday comes someone could literally jump on my profile for 0.75 seconds and write "happy birthday🎈" and I would be the happiest tater tot on this forum lol. just the fact that someone is taking any amount of time out of their day to write a message means that they were thinking of you and that's really thoughtful.
Very fun haywire TNT but would be nice if you could fix the stuff, as much as I like having fake UC pets it's not so nice when you basically **** on the site and don't get stuff back
I feel like I'm really annoying. I don't know why, but I feel like I'm weird and get on people's nerves. I really just wanna take time away from people for a little while, but I also want to be around people. I honestly don't know anymore. I'm just not in the greatest mood right now.
One of my online friends is super upset because one of her online friends deactivated their account. I want to comfort her, but she put "DNIUC" (Dont Interact Unless Close) in her display name, so I shouldn't send her a message right now. I want to comfort her so badly, but I have to respect her. :(
Honestly I think you should talk to her anyway. I don't get why people have to put such messages in their status as if they only want certain cliques to talk to them. If she doesn't want to talk to you either way, her loss.
Parosmia hurts. I'm supposed to be full and enjoying my time in NYC (and i still am mostly) but I'm hungry and I can't eat. The cream cheese on my bagel triggered it, and the spinach crepe I tried to eat for lunch made me gag so hard that I cried. It's 2:30 here and all I've had fully is some grape juice and a few bites of that crepe. I'm tired and starving. I'm mad at covid and mad at myself for having this ruin my time here.
i’ve had someone say that my wishes are ‘half-hearted’ (which, by the way, they didn’t even say to me directly. they said it on their profile like it’s a blog, and i happened to stumble across it. not a great feeling reading that. :))
If that happened on this forum, which it sounds like it did from reading that, you should be able to report it. I think that qualifies as trolling.

Anyway, I like how you always wish people a happy birthday. I love receiving birthday messages on or off the forum. I’m sure it means a lot to people!
Had to take one of those school surveys earlier and it was super depressing. It really hit hard when I saw the questions about my sexual orientation/gender identity and my Indigenous background. :(
Had to take one of those school surveys earlier and it was super depressing. It really hit hard when I saw the questions about my sexual orientation/gender identity and my Indigenous background. :(
I remember having to take some of those in 9th grade and there was no "other" option for gender. I'm nonbinary, so that really hurt me. I get how you feel, it sucks. Some schools have no respect for students' privacy, tbh. They ask such personal life questions that some students don't want to answer. I'm really sorry that happened to you.
I remember having to take some of those in 9th grade and there was no "other" option for gender. I'm nonbinary, so that really hurt me. I get how you feel, it sucks. Some schools have no respect for students' privacy, tbh. They ask such personal life questions that some students don't want to answer. I'm really sorry that happened to you.
Thank you for your consolation. I really hate how personal the questions are, and yet my need to answer (a little too) truthfully doesn't quite mix in well. And I am sorry to hear about the lack of an 'other' option for you.
Thank you for your consolation. I really hate how personal the questions are, and yet my need to answer (a little too) truthfully doesn't quite mix in well. And I am sorry to hear about the lack of an 'other' option for you.
It's like, why does your school need to know this stuff? It's your personal life, they need to respect it. It really irks me when schools do bs like this. And you're welcome. Honestly, you should confront your principal about it. Tell them it makes you uncomfortable. Even if they don't do anything about it, you can still say you tried. Sorry if I'm not the best at giving advice, it's not my best trait.
It's like, why does your school need to know this stuff? It's your personal life, they need to respect it. It really irks me when schools do bs like this. And you're welcome. Honestly, you should confront your principal about it. Tell them it makes you uncomfortable. Even if they don't do anything about it, you can still say you tried. Sorry if I'm not the best at giving advice, it's not my best trait.
It's alright, and thank you again. I might do that, but it's almost the end of the period (I'm typing this in school since we were given laptops to do the survey) so I'll wait till Tuesday (since we have a Ped Day). I'll also tell my friends about it.
And it's true, why DO they need to know?? I mean, I get the questions like "Do your teachers do a good job at explaining subjects?" or whatever, but please don't ask about my personal life. They say that they need these answers to make our school a better place (eye roll), but I have seen no changes at school. And what does my personal life have to do with it? Bullying, I presume, but that's a problem that doesn't get solved here.
It's alright, and thank you again. I might do that, but it's almost the end of the period (I'm typing this in school since we were given laptops to do the survey) so I'll wait till Tuesday (since we have a Ped Day). I'll also tell my friends about it.
And it's true, why DO they need to know?? I mean, I get the questions like "Do your teachers do a good job at explaining subjects?" or whatever, but please don't ask about my personal life. They say that they need these answers to make our school a better place (eye roll), but I have seen no changes at school. And what does my personal life have to do with it? Bullying, I presume, but that's a problem that doesn't get solved here.
That's such a lie lmao. Schools never change. It's always the same stuff, with or without the information about people's lives. They really don't care. They just do it to barge into everyone's business. So no, school systems couldn't care less about their students, which is really disheartening. They don't even try to help with bullying at all.
ngl i didnt think my family was gonna separate so hard after me coming out... i mean i was expecting them to make me feel uncomfortable with their questions and judgmental comments and then i was going to have to distance..... butttttt it seems like i dont have to do much lol i guess a quiet separation is better than some huge fight where they tell me its people like me ruining society but i cant help but feel a little bummed that they just seem to want out.... its confusing. im sure ill move on with time though
@xara I'm sorry to hear about your classes. Are these required for your degree? How many times have they not shown up? You could maybe make a case to get a partial refund and keep the class/grade. Don't quote me on that, but if you raise hell, it's possible. It's not right for the school or professors to treat a paying customer in such a way where they are not meeting the service and education they are required to give. I don't know. I certainly wouldn't be learning anything if class was constantly cancelled or never started because the online professor just never bothers to 'show up'.

Don't worry about the tool being bothered by someone going out of their way to wish/give blessings to them. They're not worth your time or anyone's for that matter. It's a small act of kindness that sure it doesn't take that much time, but how many times have you seen someone go out of their way, even for a second, for a stranger to give them kindness and compassion? Exactly. It's people like that user why some people are the way they are. They should learn to shove a sock in their mouth.

What you're doing is very kind of you. And while some goofball gets bent out of shape, know that most will have their day brightened by your small act of kindness.