• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

Next payday can't come soon enough, really need a new phone. Big regrets getting this one luckily it was cheap I guess but then you also get cheap.
feeling kinda bleh this morning, though it may be my anxiety acting up. I'm going to an initiation for the organization I was in as a kid cause I still want to be involved in it, but I'm not identifying as cis anymore so I'm just worried abt people giving me weird looks or saying rude things abt me 😔
- I’m lowkey tired and about to drink an energy drink I picked up.
- I kinda need a hug from my favorite person.
I really shouldn't have taken such a long nap in the afternoon because now it's almost 3am and I can't sleep 🥴
Everyone in my family are either in the first step of the stomach flu or recovering from it. This is hell. There’s not enough restrooms for everyone.

I’m sipping chamomile tea, but my mouth still feels dry and my stomach empty.
Throat is feeling weird it's like I got something going on but it doesn't want to break out. Hope it's just allergy.
I was trying to vent to someone earlier, and they completely shrugged it off. As I was in the middle of explaining everything, they turned their attention toward them and their problems. It really hurt because I'm very close to them and really thought I could talk to them.
As I was in the middle of explaining everything, they turned their attention toward them and their problems.
I'm sorry dood this happened to you, it's definitely the worst. Used to have a friend who did this all the time basically only complaining and talking about their issues etc. Unless you're able to actually put down the foot and tell them it's not okay I'd probably just leave them alone, at least for a while.
I'm sorry dood this happened to you, it's definitely the worst. Used to have a friend who did this all the time basically only complaining and talking about their issues etc. Unless you're able to actually put down the foot and tell them it's not okay I'd probably just leave them alone, at least for a while.
It sucks that you experienced the same issue, I'm sorry to hear that. And I tried telling them to stop and let me talk, but they completely ignored it.
It sucks that you experienced the same issue, I'm sorry to hear that. And I tried telling them to stop and let me talk, but they completely ignored it.
Yeah it was some years ago and I eventually had to cut the ties for that and other reason I'm not gonna go into here but, yeah thank you :)

I'd better leave them alone in that case, no need to give them more fire there. I definitely understand it's harder if you like the person a lot and such but if they can't listen to you and only acts as if their stuff is the only important it might be an idea to take a break or in unfortunate cases end things.
I cannot fathom why I still drink coffee despite not liking it. It tastes bad and makes my body super wonky for the rest of the day. I think this is what they call a caffeine addiction.

And I really gotta learn to think before I speak. I just go all in when I'm talking, which results in me saying something really suggestive (or borderline sexual if I'm being extra careless). I don't even know why I talk about that type of stuff, especially since it makes people uncomfortable and makes the whole situation awkward. I think the worst part is me being aware of it, but I'm unable to control/limit myself and what I say.
I cannot fathom why I still drink coffee despite not liking it. It tastes bad and makes my body super wonky for the rest of the day. I think this is what they call a caffeine addiction.

I get this. Years ago back in university I was drinking coffee every day, but it wasn't healthy for me at all. I ended up cutting it off completely. The caffeine withdrawal was bad for awhile, but nowdays I can say that I can function without caffeine at all, whereas other adults can't. I mostly drink water these days. Even though it's not tasty, I remind myself that it's really healthy to have a lot of.

Not saying this to judge or anything, just saying I can relate.
Mom just ate the potato chip bag I was keeping for Easter :cry: ... It may sound silly but my store is currently boycotting Lay's (or whatever they call this) and other stores sell them the double of the regular price. So I was preciously keeping this last bag for later...
I have had it with my brother. He claims he's more responsible than I am, but then he watches TV for an hour after supper and he didn't even start his dishes. He saw me cleaning up and all, wasn't that enough evidence? So then I chastise him for it, and he gets up and walks really close to me, so I push him away. Then he grabs my wrist and twists + squeezes it really hard. He didn't let go for about a minute. I told my dad about it and he's basically saying it's my fault because I "started it". Yes, it's my fault my brother physically hurt me. Yes, I started it by puhing my brother away 'cause he disrespected my personal space/bubble. And my dad is continuing with this stupid argument we're having, trying to have the last word like always. His voice aggravates me, especially when he gets worked up like this. Anyway, now my wrist really hurts, and to add insult to injury he hurt my right one so I can't even type + write. I'm on the brink of tears; My dad just told me it was all my fault and that I started it (even though it's untrue), my brother shouldn't even be physical with me, and my wrist hurts a lot.
I just read a Twitter post that one of the classical music youtubers I follow shared, a diary of a 16 y.o girl whose family is struggling tremendously during the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and I couldn't be more disgusted with how the poor people of Ukraine are being treated. I feel physically ill. I already had a really bad headache and now I feel worse. I feel so sorry for all of them, and the fact that I can't help because I literally have no money or anything to give in support.

I guess I need to take my anxiety med again, I've really been needing it twice a day and I hoped starting out that I wouldn't need to take it that often. oh well.
eating has made me anxious ever since i got food poisoning. i know it’s not that big a deal and i’m grateful i only had a mild to moderate case of it, but it really, really sucked, and now i’m scared every time my stomach so much as gurgles or cramps (which is often since i have ibs).

fast food and anything that isn’t cooked at home seems to make me anxious the most (probably because mcdonald’s is where i got the food poisoning from), so i may need to stop eating out entirely. that’ll be hard, though, since my family likes to do it often, but it’s not worth the anxiety it’s causing me.
I’m tempted to bail on life. I don’t mean self harm or anything, but I want to give everything up including internet and working and people. I’ll go live on an Island with a bunch of books and I’ll make a coconut friend to talk to and name them Henry.