• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

the way my philosophy teacher lowkey just... doesn’t care or think about her online students? like, i know in-person learning is easier for them because they can actually see their students and interact with them, get to know them better, make sure they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing, etc, but bro? it’s literally almost 10 minutes past when class started, and she’s yet to post the link to our google meet for the day. i can’t join a class i never received a link for lmao. she does this a lot, and it’s just so annoying. waiting on her makes me anxious because what if she just never posts the link at all, and i’m marked absent? again, i can’t attend a class i never get a link for, but still. i don’t want the school calling and my parents getting mad lmao. the fact that i still have to worry about this at 20 also bothers me.

Address it. If online students are being disadvantaged by staff not making their class accessible then it is their responsibility to raise the issue. If you don't want to speak directly to her, then there should be someone at the school that you speak to who can raise it on your behalf. I don't know how the chain of command works in your school system so don't know the exact terminology, but there should be someone or multiple people at the school you (or your entire class/year group) are assigned to that you can speak to about any concerns you have. We use terms such as 'tutor', 'guidance councillor', 'head of year', etc here. I'm in a position where I liase between staff and students to communicate things they're unhappy with, and it does get results.

Also, side note. If it bothers you that you feel as if you have to leave birthday messages for every single person every day and you want to lift this burden - from a Rules & Guidelines perspective it is close to bordering on spam.

ngl i didnt think my family was gonna separate so hard after me coming out... i mean i was expecting them to make me feel uncomfortable with their questions and judgmental comments and then i was going to have to distance..... butttttt it seems like i dont have to do much lol i guess a quiet separation is better than some huge fight where they tell me its people like me ruining society but i cant help but feel a little bummed that they just seem to want out.... its confusing. im sure ill move on with time though

It may just take them some time to adjust. It is a big thing to throw at them, and not everybody takes change well - especially when it's something they don't fully understand. Failing that, life is too short to invest it in people who can't respect you. Make a new family by surrounding yourself with people who genuinely love and care for you. I cut off a number of my blood relatives in the past year and a half because they couldn't respect my gender/sexuality, but I've filled those spaces with people who are prepared to raise hell and fight to defend my rights.

I wish I had never taken that Philosophy class and by that same teacher, I've only ever taken one class by her and then I'm taking a Philosophy class by her and now I know I never enjoy interacting with her class, at my online school we aren't suppose to say our ages or talk about that stuff as not to cause ageism because we are all suppose to learn together and not let age be a factor of someone's learning potential since younger people can be really smart too. I've always struggled with interacting with those much younger then me(say I think 3 years younger or so is when I start to have problems) I'm about 4-6 years older then the majority of people in my class and since we are all suppose to respect each other regardless of age I really hate being treated like I'm the same age as them like they haven't taken the hint maybe I might be older then you and stop acting like I'm just like you because you think I'm your age. I really hate how chatty this class is I just want to listen to what the teacher says and not what the students are talking about they think I'm dumb because I'm quiet and blend into the background and they think their so smart because their always interacting and talking all the time, sure maybe I don't say much but I do have some life experience on my shoulders, I'm trying to explain to the teacher how DNA, genetics and such works and I'm talking about how people can inherit genes from other family members and this other person is like "no people are just born with random genes and some people have special rare genes so they are unique and some people just have normal ordinary genes so they are boring" like okay whatever you say....
how come my classmates in my marine classes are always quiet and actually ask interesting questions so we can actually learn and not just talk all day and make the class go over time because we spent too much time talking is it because the people in my marine classes are usually on the older side or is it because a different teacher teaches them? Like is being talkative a trait of younger people or what? I need more time for math on Wednesdays if I only need to do Math, Language arts and P.E for this grade then I'm pretty sure I don't even I need to take that Philosophy class anyways. I am never ever taking another class by her again I can't stand chatterboxes who waste people's time by forcing people to listen to them talk when people have lives and stuff jeez.

This isn't going to be what you want to hear, but I feel it might help you to hear it: this is exactly the mindset your teacher was trying to prevent you falling into by discouraging students from sharing their ages in the first place.

This classroom environment you have described is representative of what higher education and the working world looks like. It looks like your teacher is trying to teach you about professional respect - and the sooner you get your head around it the easier the rest of your life will be. The real world isn't categorised by age groups, and it's a hard mindset for some people to shake when they leave school. You are likely to have colleagues of vastly different ages to you and you will be expected to treat each other as equals regardless of your respective ages. Someone significantly younger than you may even be your superior. The people who thrive and make the best colleagues are the ones who are friendly and supportive towards everyone and don't let differences such as age (or gender, race, sexuality, disability, etc) influence how they think of and interact with people.

Social science classes, such as philosophy, tend to encourage lots of class discussion because being able to critically analyse and debate is a required skill in that field. My ex had a PhD in philosophy and would say that his job was to argue for a living. On days he taught undergrads at the university, he'd complain about the classes that were quiet and rave about the ones that actually spoke up. If this isn't something you enjoy, then maybe the social sciences aren't a good fit for you. You compared your philosophy class to your marine class, and the difference you're observing is more likely to do with the field rather than the specific teacher or the ages of your peers. Science classes will have some discussion, but not nearly to the same extent as social science classes. In science classes at university level, often the lecturer has a lot of complex content to cover and not a lot of time to do it, so they might even need to cut off conversation so that they can get through the rest of the material in time. (For context, I'm both a scientist and a current postgrad student.)

Being talkative isn't a trait of younger people - it's a defining trait of extroverts in general. And you're always going to encounter them in life. Back when I worked in an office the biggest chatterbox was a woman in her late 30s who worked in HR. She was perfectly professional on the phone, then she'd slam it down and call the customer a ****. We knew her whole life, because she never shut up. It could be very frustrating when you were trying to analyse complex data and all you could hear was her voice. But she was adored and easily one of the most liked people in a company with ~70 employees. She went above and beyond for us and was always the first one there with a cup of tea and a hug when you were having a bad day. And I may or may not have woken-up in bed with her after one year's work Christmas party. Annoying as she could be she was very likeable.

Maybe I've just wasted my time breaking this down, but I hope some of it might get through. I'm in the same boat as you, in that I'm 5-7yrs older than the majority of my current colleagues, and it requires some patience at times (especially when there's social drama I'm expected to mediate) but ultimately it doesn't matter all that much. What matters isn't a person's age but what they bring to the table and their outlook. I am not the most intelligent person, but I thrive in the classroom and workplace based on social skills. I'm well-liked and get along with everyone on both a personal and professional level, and I put that down to being friendly and treating everyone as my equal - they even elected me as their representative. The person I get along with best is actually 7yrs my junior - she's a good listener, gives fantastic advice, and doesn't hesitate to call me out when she thinks I'm being dumb or harsh. She's become the person I go to when I need advice on how to handle an issue, because I know she'll give it to me straight (although she does make jabs about me being old).
I know I shouldn’t feel bad for taking time away from here or elsewhere to take care of my health, but I feel really bad since some of my friends have been experiencing much worse than grief :/. I have been barely able to get out of bed and sleeping more than usual and extremely depressed. still i feel bad for not being able to give my friends support. At one point I was kinda able too but in the last couple months, i got mentally overwhelmed and just needed a break from the places we chat.

Been also feeling frustrated with my social skills since October. maintaining friendships and keeping in touch is hard even when i’m feeling better. just lost two recently and not sure how though i have some guesses. on my birthday this guy that is cousins to one of my (former friends) messaged me and asked how i was without saying happy birthday; same guy who disregarded my request for space between my aunt’s death and Christmas and acted clueless when i snapped; he also said oh she never came out anyways when one of my cats died and he asked which one. i answered his text and said i was dealing with anxiety and depression and no response; i gave him a few weeks. so i later asked my friend to ask him not to text me; she asked her bf (who is cousins with him) to ask him and he said no because he thought it was siding. how??? i wasn’t asking them to tell him to shove it or something :/. a month ago he texted me and after i replied i blocked him which i didn’t want to have to do; my fault though for not holding onto his number from the first time.

sorry this is all over the place. i should be sleeping but been unable to sleep at night because racing thoughts & just staying up too late. sorry for posting here so soon.

this probably makes me look not very nice; been upset with the guy who texted me for a couple years now. i tried to talk to my counselor on how to find a way to let things go but she didn’t help and now i’m taking a break from counseling.

i had something else troubling me (friend related), but I’ll hold onto it for now. will see how i feel later and if things end up being okay.
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Cold and ****ty weather, I was kinda in the mood to go outside for a walk and/or play some PoGo but it's cold and sun is not warming one bit... bruh it's April...weather go home you're drunk.
First, my brother wakes me up at 9:30 in the morning. It's the weekend, let me have my damn sleep. Then he takes my bisexual flag, says "garbage", and throws it on the ground like last night. I hope he doesn't do this every single time. If he does, I'll have to hide it before he breaks it.
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really having a hard time deciding what I can eat this morning bc my hypoglycemia has been acting up a lot the last few days and I haven't been able to go to the grocery store and get some sugar-free or low-sugar options so I'm kinda stuck with a limited amount of things that I can actually eat without making my blood sugar go crazy again. would really rather not have this turn into diabetes :[
I forgot something on my latest art piece (the stitches on Dog Man's neck), but no matter how many times I try to fix it, it won't save and it's getting on my nerves. My screenshots won't save, either. :/
i need to take a picture of me for my new job for the pass but i've grown such an extreme hatred of photos of me and i'm having a hard time taking one, every time i try i end up feeling depressed and delete it. i don't even hate how i look when i look in the mirror etc but photos really upset me. idk what to do lol, it sounds so dumb
I scratched my back a little too hard and now it stings. I don't even need to cut my nails 'cause they're short. And me being the idiot I tried to 'fix' it. And by that, I mean spitting on my fingers and rubbing it on that spot. I think I worsened the pain with my incompetence.
I was really looking forward to the Smash Friendlies and of course my parents decide to get in an argument upstairs and my mom comes in twice. Incredibly distracting and ruined the whole mood. I'm so pissed off right now. Too worked up right now to enjoy anything.
I was really looking forward to the Smash Friendlies and of course my parents decide to get in an argument upstairs and my mom comes in twice. Incredibly distracting and ruined the whole mood. I'm so pissed off right now. Too worked up right now to enjoy anything.

Sorry to hear that, friend. Family can be so annoying, trust me. -_-

At least you were able to connect! I could only connect for one match to beat Kilza, and then my connection decided "nope." 😂
Lowkey getting annoyed with irl friends not replying to me. Like I put up something about catching up in our group chat, but then no one ever replies. Same with my flatmates. I've tried to be good with communicating with them since I've been gone, but they don't seem to care either. Man, I give up 🙃 what's the point of even trying to keep in touch with people if they give nothing back

(Note this is purely irl people as my online friends/friends on here are much better lol)