I’d take the risk personally. If you’re feeling stuck, it’s best to try something else. I moved around a lot and feel like nothing’s right in my birthplace.worried about making the wrong move here. feeling stuck in my home town vs risking things to move to new york w a friend i don't know i Just Do Not Know.
Get well soon!Me and my brother tested positive for covid... I honestly have no idea how it happened, and I blame no one but myself because I wasn't being careful enough. And I thought it was just a really bad cold... Also I just hit my head on the wall, not like my head was hurting already or anything.
if he rents, i would guess thats something maintenance should replace. sorry thats happeningThere’s a bunch of blown fuses in my dad’s apartment and I just blew the one in the living room. It’s the old fashioned screw in ones and I have no damn clue how to fix it. I don’t know if I can just call maintenance or if I have to actually buy more fuses first. The WiFi is blown out too so…
I know I can’t change my age or how young I look, but it sucks being perceived as a kid. The closest someone got to guessing my age was “21” but that was literally only because I talked about alcohol (probably).I still get people younger then me asking me if I'm 12 because I'm 5"3 and they think I'm lot younger then I actually am because I'm shorter then them.
I can only imagine how my close friend feels all the time, she's 4"11 but she's 17 and people keep asking her if she's like 9 or something.
Well most people think I'm younger than 18, probably because I have like a baby face with pimples and stuff. Really wish I was taller and better looking lol cause it's like "lol shes so tiny" yeah thanks lol.I dislike looking young. I hate people thinking I’m 12. I actually looked up on my phone “the opposite of anti-aging cream” to see if I can get some. I hate people thinking I’m a ****ing kid. People look at me and think I’m a ****ing runaway when I’m solo traveling. I hate people saying “oh yeah, I’m a good kid.” Idk.