What's Bothering You?

I had that egg earlier and of course I got an omelette recipe on Instagram right afterwards lmfao.
My mom comes in my room while i’m still waking up to tell me something she thought was funny. When she asked if i thought it was funny, i said no and she said you never find anything funny. Uh hello?! i have autism and i have trouble with humor. you think i like being like this?. She does this all the tome when she tells me something funny the kids did. Also, I’m depressed so that doesn’t help at all. I asked her to apologize but she refused. It really hurt my feelings. Also so fed up with passive aggressiveness. i need to eat and take my medicine but i don’t want to.

Edit: I talked to my mom a couple times about this and how much this hurts me and makes me hate the way i am even more. finally got a none aggravated response. she did apologize earlier but it didn’t sound like she meant it. still am hurting even though she is right that she can make mistakes, “forget,” or react incorrectly at times too.
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My brother is nagging me to do the garbage and recyling, even though he's literally watching TV instead of doing his dishes. He should do his job first before telling me to do mine. 😒
I’m feeling a little better than earlier. Now, I want to draw but my mood is still not really there. Also, feeling a bit overwhelmed each time I look at where I left off. Not to mention, I’m stumped on what to put under this part I’m doing. If only I could draw people/anatomy better 😔. Just a little bit more until i finish this part of the drawing on the right side too, yet apprehension of what comes after and how challenging this is, is holding me back (along with my depression too).
Can't seem to shake this flu. Not as serious as anyone's situation here, but I just don't feel good and it sucks having to work feeling so unwell.

@Dunquixote When I used to draw (I need to get back into it) I would look at people/anatomy as in not the whole body, but break it down in shapes. It was easier trying to tackle it that way instead of trying to do the whole thing. I'm not sure if that makes sense or helps, which it probably doesn't. But it still took a bit of practice. Just do your best!
I saw my dad's cat Wookie outside when I opened the back door. He was about to walk into the houe, but then my dog ran in and scared him off. :( I mean I get they're just animals, but still. We haven't had Wookie (or his sister/my cat Caramel) in our house for a long time.
Some friends of mine keep saying we need to meet in person again, and I know they mean it. But nobody actually tries to find/set a time when we are going to meet. They always wait until I ask.
unable to sleep and slightly nauseous. i have to take meds every 4-6 hours because of my teeth extractions, and i don’t think my body’s liking it all that much. 🥴
Still feeling sick, and yet my parents are still making me go to school. I had so much trouble sleeping last night because I keep getting distracted (I decided to clean my room at 11 PM lol), and you know how hard it is to sleep when you keep sniffling and swallowing snot every 10 seconds? Don't ask me how I managed to sleep at all. It's almost 7:40 AM, which means I only have about 10-15 mins before the bus comes, and the only thing I did was wake up, use the bathroom, and eat breakfast. :(
I feel really bad bc every time my friend asks if she can come over to hang out my instinct just tells me "no, I'm not in the mood right now." it's because she has a baby who is currently about 3.5 months old, and she's absolutely precious but I just cannot handle the stress of infants/children (hence why I plan on never having a kid unless it's a furbaby) so every time I think abt them coming over I just get really stressed out. especially because last time they came her baby wasn't feeling well so she wouldn't stop crying and my friend ended up having a bout of post-partum depression, which made me feel bad again because I have no idea how to help people in situations I can't put myself into (ie. having a crying baby to care for).

idk, I hate to turn her down but I've been dealing with a ton of other things and being around a baby all day is the last thing I think I can handle rn. 😞
I feel really bad bc every time my friend asks if she can come over to hang out my instinct just tells me "no, I'm not in the mood right now." it's because she has a baby who is currently about 3.5 months old, and she's absolutely precious but I just cannot handle the stress of infants/children (hence why I plan on never having a kid unless it's a furbaby) so every time I think abt them coming over I just get really stressed out. especially because last time they came her baby wasn't feeling well so she wouldn't stop crying and my friend ended up having a bout of post-partum depression, which made me feel bad again because I have no idea how to help people in situations I can't put myself into (ie. having a crying baby to care for).

idk, I hate to turn her down but I've been dealing with a ton of other things and being around a baby all day is the last thing I think I can handle rn. 😞
Could you maybe talk to her about that? Or wouldn’t she understand?
Could you maybe talk to her about that? Or wouldn’t she understand?
I possibly could but I'm kinda afraid to bc she was always one of those kids who would get upset when she didn't get her way. I understand that she prob isn't like that anymore now that she's an adult, but the last time I truly spent any quality time with her was when I was in HS so I'm not entirely sure. I'm afraid she would get mad if I said no (she's also quite passive just like my mom), especially because this isn't the first time I've turned her down. I just really enjoy my peace and quiet.
after nearly a month of no power in my bathroom apparently the vendors are booked for weeks.... well maybe hire anybody bc i am legally supposed to have power... im close to just reporting to the city but with everything else going on i really dont want to deal with anything more .-.
Second hand/charity stores raising the prices of totally random stuff just because second hand is "trendy" and "cool" and to attract like Chanel-girls or something. Like sure they gotta adapt to inflaton and to get stuff for their services, but I don't think they should raise it for like totally random manga few people read or sell used bad condition H&M shirts for 10 bucks each.

I mean it's not that they're a vintage store selling cool 70s suits or stuff lol
Me and my brother tested positive for covid... I honestly have no idea how it happened, and I blame no one but myself because I wasn't being careful enough. And I thought it was just a really bad cold... Also I just hit my head on the wall, not like my head was hurting already or anything. 😣
Bro, what is it going to take for me to get a decent and reasonable sleep schedule going? I swear.... 😞

Update on this. I almost missed a meeting and when I got up it felt like someone had taken a sledgehammer and smashed my head with it. I can't function like this. Maybe some people can, but not me. I'm going to skip martial arts tomorrow and take it easy for the next 4-5 days.