what’s one thing from previous games are you hoping DOESN’T get added to new horizons?

Phyllis. Wild World was my introductory game and she was a mean b**** in that game. Ever since then, I’ve held a vendetta against her.

Although something tells that she may get added eventually.
To add to the Lyle hate: That awful Wild World Insurance thing!
Stung by a single bee? Fall over? Find trash fishing? You get 100 bells in the mail tomorrow. It takes up mail space, and requires all those clicks to remove present and open it, just to get 100 bells. Almost every single day. I regularly don't dig up the glowing spot for 10 times that at way less effort, because it's worthless compared to other earnings. Added bonus forced conversations every Saturday with Lyle that go on forever BANG.

I wouldn't mind if the grass deterioration returned though (with some reworking!). Removed because people didn't want it to return. I like a natural path, and the dirt paths in NH are too neat for my liking. I can see it looking good with the grass around the NH path tiles breaking up a bit too. I also liked how it was a slow building record of your favourite parts of town.
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The 16-villager cycling queue from New Leaf. Sure, it made for a nice little reunion when you saw a villager at Main Street or in one of the stores, but having to relentlessly churn through nearly two entire towns worth of roster for the sake of one villager is tedious. Though I personally never did it, I can't imagine anyone ever enjoyed doing that 😵
Especially considering that in NH there's the starting houses which isn't to everyone's taste.
Imagine having the 16-villager cycle in NH. Send out a starter and want them back with their original house anytime soon? Have fun with that!

If anything relating to previous villagers ever returned, I'd be down for something akin to what ACGC did. Occasionally you'd see a former villager strolling around the map and when you talked to them, they'd say something along the lines of missing the town and even remembered how long it had been since they left.
Of course, they could just end up in Nook's, Ables, or the Museum, but as long as it's not tied to a move-in queue again. 😬
There’s not much from previous games that I don’t want to see return to be honest. There’s far more I wish they’d remove from the game now than put back in lol XD

But if I had to pick one thing it would be Retail. It was such a faff going to one shop to sell things and another to buy things. Plus I can’t be the only one who finds those alpacas creepy as fudge 🤢 I was so happy that they were contained to a limited event in NH and weren’t here to stay.
I only played nl but here are a few of the things i dont want to come back from it: Club lol, gyroids, Katrina, sailor that takes you to the island and his family. There are other things as well but at the moment these are the ones i am thinking of.
I have to disagree with everyone that hates the gyroids. They are an iconic part of Animal Crossing, just as iconic as the leaf.

I hope random move outs and the cycling void never comes back. I never want to deal with that kind of frustration ever again.
I don't care for Gyroids. I know some people love them, but I hated it when it rained, and then I would have fossils ON TOP of gyroids to dig up. Not to mention, I never found them useful, and aside from the Brewster one, they looked awful.

Also as already mentioned, while I really want villager play dates to return, I want them to return WITHOUT setting a time in advance. I always, ALWAYS forgot and then it made my villagers sad :(
I agree with everyone saying villager visits with times, it was annoying because I liked showing them my house but the time was always like an hour away and of course they would always set it up like RIGHT as I was about to finish up my play session:/ so I either missed it or very rarely they asked right when I started playing so I was still on an hour later. I want them to visit but just in a different way. I would rather have them pop in randomly. Having them visit definitely added to the feel of the game like it made the villagers feel more real and more like friends
The only thing that comes to mind is grass deterioration, but I have to believe there's like no chance whatsoever that they'd just be like "Let's add this back in!" randomly all these months later. I wouldn't want the villagers to be able to move out without making you aware and able to dissuade them as others said, but I don't think anyone has to worry about that being added either.

I would enjoy the return of gyroids, Brewster, Katrina, Kapp'n, etc. that others throughout the thread aren't too excited for. I like all of those things. I've been playing since the GameCube game and enjoy the gyroids, and like NefariousKing said, they feel as iconic to Animal Crossing as the leaf. Brewster's is fun to work at and it's nice to be able to carry around a to-go cup of coffee, especially in Winter. Katrina's fun and I enjoyed that she had her own building on Main Street in New Leaf, though if she returned she'd be better off as a visitor. And of course, I'd love the return of Kapp'n if it meant the return of Club Tortimer and its minigames.
Although I miss some NPCs, I do appreciate the new ones like CJ, Flick, and Daisy Mae. They're a fresh breath of air, with fun personalities and lovely designs. I think it's more than fine to say goodbye to Special NPCs that no longer serve as much of a use, at least in the functional sense. I wouldn't mind some cute cameos with the post office pelicans, Porter, Booker, Copper, Lottie, etc. But unless Katrina and Shrunk are revamped to provide something interesting or useful, I wouldn't bat an eye if they returned.

I much preferred when K.K. Slider was inside, either Club LOL or The Roost, and when The Roost was in the Museum.
Ahh, it was such a lovely spot. It'd be great if in the colder months, K.K. would stay inside for performances. DJ K.K. was fun. Maybe a turntable mini-stage setup could be an optional project and he could visit on Fridays.
We already know he is coming back but....Pave. Good lord he's annoying. and trying to get him to give u the furniture you still need was pure torture. I never liked the gyroids either(except the one that takes donations for construction). brewster/cafe is also pointless.
1. Grass deterioration from CF and NL.
2. Retail from NL.
3. Most WW events which were lame (La di day) except the flea market.
4. Lyle and insurance.
5. That town you'd donate money to from WW.
I've always hated the gyroids tbh > x < I'm glad they're gone but I do have a feeling they'll be brought back at some point.
  • Grass deterioration (it was nerfed in NL thank goodness, but even so it wasn't all that fun)
  • Random signs in your town that indicate where a villager house could land.
  • Gyroids only popping up after rainy days. I like gyroids, but it was annoying having to trek all over your town trying to find them.
  • Astronaut Gulliver. Seriously, Gullivarrr is already bad enough.
  • Villagers moving out unannounced (in WW a villager never announced moving out. You would have to catch them in time as they will randomly just be in boxes and you have to convince them to stay. In ACCF villagers ran after you to tell so they plan on moving, but once they are in boxes it's too late. Same thing in NL. And waaay back in PG there was nothing you can do about villagers moving. Because the max you could have was 15, some villagers were programmed to be permanent residents while others were programmed to just move)
  • Having to water flowers every single day otherwise they wither and die.
  • Useless, unappealing weeds that don't change with the seasons.
  • Girl players being stuck with an elf hat while boy players are stuck with a viking hat.
  • Small, small storage space (the storage space from PG was 3 for each dresser/closet/chest while, believe it or not, back in the original Japanese N64 game each dresser/closet/chest could hold just ONE thing).
  • Serena
  • Basements that cannot be customized ala PG or attics that cannot be customized ala WW
  • The inability to break rocks