What's something good that happened in your game today?

I got two recipes that weren't duplicates! And I demolished my bamboo grove to make way for my new sculpture park thanks to the fake art I was able to buy from someone on here. Thank you!
I got a seasonal diy recipe, got another K.K. song (make that two because of couch multiplayer), and that a meteor shower occurred on my island again after what seemed like forever.
My first golden rose fully bloomed today. 😍

Took forever to get the golden watering can because I'm a messy hoarder.
I realized that I missed like 3 stacks of turnips when I did my sell run earlier in the week and managed to sell them still at a profit!! Would have made more if I'd gotten them in my first run for sure, but like. I didn't *lose* a ton of bells by derpily just missing these and still came out on top! Woo!!

Also I bought a few pieces of fake art that I really wanted, got the last color of sheep hood I really wanted from a lovely person here, catalogued some super fun clothes, and got a lot done on some landscaping I wanted to do! Woo!
Finally getting all my ducks in a row for resetting!
Just laying out the items/DIYs/NMTs that I wanna take on this new adventure with me
I paid off my loan for one of my rooms! Now I just need the second floor and basement and my house is done~
I got my second framed photo from my villager today and that villager is none other than little Sherb<33 Okay, more like it happened yesterday but it is still worth celebrating today haha. I decided to give him some fruits as a gift and he surprised me with his photo wahhh ;-;<3 Thank you Sherb for your picture! Like with Dom, I didn't expect a photo from Sherb as well. Especially since he hasn't asked me to do any quests for him, didn't ask to play treasure hunting, or gave me any indication that our friendship points were high. I feel really touched by my villagers lolol. I love them so much XD
Oh, and another good thing that happened, that actually happened today haha, is Dom asking me to play a new game with him. I thought the only game we can play was treasure hunt, but I was wrong! He wanted to play a surprise item swap game that reminded me of the mini games we would play with campers in New Leaf. And let's just say, Dom came out victorious as he got the better item LOL.
I got Murphy to move in with me. Now I gotta make him fall in love with Judy and also the other way around huehue
Not much. Ankha wanted to move and I reset the game. Made some trades. Bought 13 million worth of turnips. But forgot charger and switch died. Couldn't do the daily stuff.
I FINALLY got some star fragments to craft a bamboo wand. For the first time ever, I've seen two of my villagers singing together! Sterling and Queenie are the ones singing and it's so cute.
I got Mitzi's photo. All though it was my goal, it was very unexpecting at that moment.

I finally found the inspiration to start working on my island again! I'm making progress on the natural side of the island and I'm loving it so far!! :giggle:
Decided to move the store next to ables. Opened up room I used to make a mountain spring area kinda thing.
Cleared out some areas I dont like which was difficult strangely.

Muffy practiced saying goodbye to Raymond which was uber cute. Kiki and Dom gave me presents and I did a delivery for Dom.

Got a umbrella from Dodo Airlines!