What's the latest you've stayed up?

I stayed up almost 48 hours once. I was flying form Australia to Germany and I can't sleep on planes at all. Then when I got there it was morning and I stayed up until the evening so I could adjust to the time difference quickly, as I had to start school the very next day.

I was exhausted by the end of it and ended up sleeping over 12 hours that night. I think that was the earliest I've ever gone to bed.
I think the latest I stayed up was pulling an all nighter a few times. For some reason, there are times I try to sleep and my body won't cooperate with me. Last night was one of those night. But usually around 7 AM but I've pulled all nighters a few times although I can't remember except about a year ago, a few months ago, and now.
I pulled an "all nighter" once for my highschool graduation after party. The school rented the recreation center at the local college where the whole 300 of us who graduated and we got to "party" there all night. It was good fun with swimming, sports, games, even an inflatable obstacle course. I'm so not good at staying up late though and it was a big struggle for me. I wouldn't do it again.
24 hours and believe me, it's not fun pulling an all nighter. >_<
I was up for around 40 hours once. I've been awake for 24+ hours on 3 occasions in my life, all within the past year.
Actually I don't think I've ever been up later than 2:30 am! And that was for work, not even a choice. I don't like staying up super late and I make sure to have my assignments done early enough that I don't have to pull all-nighters (or I just do them the morning of :rolleyes:)
I had to pull an all-nighter once because I was traveling and was so nervous I couldn't sleep the night before. I know I was awake for over 24 hours that time.

On a more regular basis, I have stayed up until 3 or 4AM when I don't have to work, and even occasionally 6 or 7AM. I really love laying down to go to sleep as the sun is coming up.
My latest was on New Years Eve / New Years Day where I finished work at 2am, then got home, ate and stayed up talking to a friend until 5:30am
I love getting sleep but I have to pull so many all nighters to get work in. I blame myself though for putting off assignments.
over 24 hours.. my flight back home got delayed. I was meant to come back around 4pm, instead I didn't get back until like 3-4am. I was dead tired when I got back.
Prob not much more past 2:30am. I havent pulled any all nighters or stayed up for over 24 hours. Taking into account that I typically wake up late (10am) staying up till 2am isn't that much.