What’s the longest you’ve had a villager without getting their picture?

I've had most of my villagers since I started the game, Pheobe my only OG villager asked to move today, other than her Kiki and Bluebear were my next oldest, and the only photo I've gotten is Bluebears :L Was kinda disappointed it wasn't Kiki who was my first cause I feel like the friendship level is stronger between Kiki and me, rather than Bluebear :'D
Well, Derwin and Audie were among my first 5 move ins and I got the game at launch. Still no photos from either of them. To be fair I fully play 5 different characters (I rotate through playing one per day) so the befriending process is 5 times slower for me.

Only photo I have gotten so far was from Julian and I think he moved in during last summer.
I think Deirdre for me. She moved in about June/July of last year and I still haven't gotten her picture despite me talking to her everyday and giving her clothes. It doesn't matter to much for me though, since she's a permanent member of the island. I'll get it eventually! :)
Never. I have not yet received 1 photo from anyone! I don't try too hard, to be honest... I guess I should get on this. :)