What's the story behind everyone's island name?

I named my island Determined. I was going for something unique and theme agnostic, I feel like I'm a determined person, and everything on the island is determined by me, so it just kind of stuck for me. I like how the name fits in various dialogues in the game. I was considering Red Pine which was one of my New Leaf town names, but I thought that would be weird if I decided I didn't want a lot of cedar trees in my town. I also thought about using a sarcastic name like Landfill, but ultimately thought I may regret that later.
Mine's Forest and has basically been Forest in every game since I was a kid.

I don't have to think too hard about it, that way.
In New Leaf, my town was named Hometown Domina (technically just Domina), after a location in an awesome fantasy game I played as a kid. I figured it was only appropriate to name my island after a beachy location from the same game - thus, Polpota Harbor was born!

The island's tune even comes from its namesake's OST track:
My town has always been named Jackson ever since I started playing as a kiddo - I don't know why I named it that in the first place, but it's tradition now.
Nova Cove because I wanted something beachy and space-y but also kinda had a sense of seclusion and privacy. Plus I really like the way it rolls off the tongue.
My main island is named "Chandeleur", after the Chandeleur Islands, a chain of remote, uninhabited barrier islands about fifty miles east of New Orleans (where I live). They were a bird refuge but have been submerged for years due to Hurricane Katrina, so technically they no longer exist and are just shoals now.

I have a second island on my Switch Lite, which I named Surfside. When I was about 9 years old I visited a cousin at their beach house in Surfside, California, and loved it.

I never used either of these names in other AC versions. For me it is fun to start all over again from scratch.
I was obsessed with Paradise Kiss when I was in HS and that's when I started playing the GC Animal Crossing. It was my favorite manga series for many years. So I named my GC town Paradise and I haven't changed it since. The name may seem commonplace or mundane but I like the personal history behind it. It's generic enough to apply to any kind of theme I have yet it has a backstory that me and others close to me know.
Bell Grove, wanted something that had a sense of magic and nature and discovery while still keeping in theme with the game world.

My boyfriend named his Sagemound, definitely has an air of nature and mystery around it as well.
I named mine StarGlow, a portmanteau of the last two towns I made in ACNL, StarFall and MoonGlow.

StarFall, MoonGlow, StarGlow
Maristela - I wanted something that sounded tropical, so Spanish or Portuguese, but also something meaningful and beautiful.
So I chose Maristela.
"From the title of the Virgin Mary, Stella Maris, meaning "star of the sea" in Latin."
I like how all you guys put a lot of thought and effort into naming your towns, giving them actual meaning behind their names, and here I am naming my town Schmootz.
Mine's called Fehrtyl, named after an Island from Granblue Fantasy
I named my island Pyewacket!

I named it this because I really like witches and witchcraft and I personally thought it was a great name. :)
I would not consider myself a witch as I am not currently practicing (plus I'd say I'm pretty agnostic), but my favourite hobby is to read and study all things witches, witchcraft, and demonology! My dad is also very into witches (though he's more into the bog witch aesthetic) so it's cool to share an interest since he's basically the best dad in the world and I love him. c:

I also used to have a very strange aunt who had a cat, well, specifically 8 or 9 cats, and one of them was named Pyewacket. While I forget this all the time, I wonder if subconsciously that is a contributing factor to why I like the name so much, since I have loved it since I was a kid!
my towns name is honeyway. I just really love the word honey and I needed something else to add to it so I just randomly thought of “way” to add at the end.
I named mine Koi Pond! I've always loved koi and oriental fish like goldfish in particular, and for the longest time I wanted a Japanese town and a town completely submerged under water. The name kinda came to me as I was struggling with names, and I fell in love with it! I decided to flood my town and make it a Japanese town, so it worked out really well!
Ghido. I love sea turtles andI love Final Fantasy (XIV) so I named it after my favourite minion.