What's your favorite childhood places

when i lived in the philippines we would go to a mall that had these cute little bite-sizes ice cream cones that were arranged in a palette. i think there was also a spot with a rock climbing wall and play area. my memory’s very iffy since i was super young but i remember how much i loved going.
When I was a kid there was this bakery/shop in the mall that sold these giant M&M cookies, my grandma would always buy me one.. sadly that mall has closed down recently.. that shop probably closed a decade or two ago

That mall also had this indoor playground that was really cute, it was fruit/breakfast themed. My brother even took inspiration from it to use in his horror video game that he's working on!
I loved going to Toys R Us as a child.

It is no longer at the same location I used to go to, though...
when i was little there was a restaurant my family and i would always go to for special occasions. i can't remember much about the food itself, but i always looked forward to going there for these toy vending machines with little erasers! i would bring a lot of quarters with me everytime we went just so i could get a bunch
Zellers! And it had a little restaurant inside where the food sucked but it was still fun to go there. The store has since shut down rip
Powell’s Books in Portland. I rarely went since I lived a decent bit away from it, but every time I did it was magical. There were just endless books of every genre. I still enjoy going now whenever I’m in the area.

The Mexican restaurant my parents and I frequented was something I enjoyed. I always had the cheese quesadillas since I was a very picky eater back then, but it was consistently good. It’s some of the best Mexican food I’ve had even now.
the local mall, there used to be a play area and my grandma used to take my brother and i there all the time. we stopped going because 1. we got too old (obviously) and 2. because another boy bit my brother 💀
A mall that was in the next city. They had a candy shop. My sisters would always buy me candy behind our mom’s back. The food court was pretty decent as well.
Home tbh. I did like going to Dorney Park and a comic book store in the mall my father used to take me to after my doctor appointments.
We had a small convenience store that was a 15 minute walk away. They sold drinks and ice creams. I always went there after school.

We lived rural. It was the only place within distance. Sold stuff for extremely cheap prices though.
We had a small convenience store that was a 15 minute walk away. They sold drinks and ice creams. I always went there after school.

We lived rural. It was the only place within distance. Sold stuff for extremely cheap prices though.
Yeah, our family used to go to a store for cheap prices but it has since been replaced by a luxurious building
Yeah, our family used to go to a store for cheap prices but it has since been replaced by a luxurious building

I'd like to see how that store is still doing or if it still remains. (My last visit was...2016 or 2017).

It was a family business. Actually just one guy who got the shop from his dad.

It should still be there. Not like there was any competition to get it replaced in such a way. Nor would it make sense considering it was out in the middle of nowhere.

Some thieves would break into his vending machines outside. I don't think it would be enough for the store to shut down though.
I loved reading, so I always loved going to the library. I also enjoyed the school library. I remember starting kindergarten and being so excited to see the school library and what books they'd have to offer. I still like the library, but I don't go quite as often. I also enjoyed the local zoo, aquarium, and museum center, although I didn't go to those often, mostly just for school trips.

And of course I loved going to my grandma's house. She passed away when I was seven, but there was a period when both our parents had work at the same time, so my brother and I would stay at her house for a bit while they were at work. She was always baking us treats, like rice krispies and brownies. Sometimes my great grandmother would be there as well, and we'd all hang out together. I also enjoyed playing with my mom's old toys that were there, like paper dolls and old Barbie dolls. My grandma also remarried, and my step-grandpa was fun. We'd play pool and card games with him. We also had Easter egg hunts and birthday parties at her house.