• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

when you have gum, do you


  • swallow

  • spit

  • I don't eat gum

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There was that myth when I was a kid that if you swallowed gum it would stay in your stomach for like 7 years or something, so there ain't no way I'm risking ingesting gum
There was that myth when I was a kid that if you swallowed gum it would stay in your stomach for like 7 years or something, so there ain't no way I'm risking ingesting gum

for the record, that's a complete old wives' tale, and it just passes through normally. like anything else that is unable to be fully digested
i don't chew on gum as much as when i was younger, but i absolutely didn't and still wouldn't swallow it. i always figured the "it'll stay in your stomach" thing was a myth, but i was paranoid about it getting stuck in my throat and choking, and now the thought of swallowing it just makes me gag anyway.
uhh are people straight up swallowing their gum instead of spitting it out and throwing it away??? 😨 i was fed the old tale of "it'll stay in your stomach for years if you swallow it" so i think that kinda always stuck with me even if i don't believe it now. i always make sure to use a napkin or tissue to spit it out onto so it doesn't stick to anything else, and then throw it away. i can't stand it when people spit their gum outside or on roads/sidewalks cause there's nothing fun about stepping in someone's gum!
I've always been a gum swallower. 😪 I've never believed in or given much thought to the whole "swallowed gum stays in your stomach for 7 years" myth, and I've never seen the point in chewing something just to spit it out after (especially one (1) piece of gum). Never had any issues because of it.

I don't care for gum much anymore though (I prefer breath mints), so now I just don't have it.
I like to spit it out, but I have accidentally swallowed my gum more times than I can remember lol. I haven’t chewed on gum ever since it chipped one of my tooth when I was a kid so it’s been awhile.
People swallow their gum?! I’ve always believed swallowing gum would cause stomach issues so I always spit mine in the trash.
I have stomach issues so I wouldn't want to tempt the fates by swallowing something that's not supposed to be swallowed. And the idea itself is definitely off-putting to me, gives me shivers tbh.
I don't chew gum anymore. But when i did, definitely had to spit it out.

Old wives tales are old wives tales for a reason. Is the reason to pass along great wisdom and knowledge from one generation to the next, to save future generations from making the mistakes of the past?

No! It's to scare the bejeebus out of young, dumb children. And it works!

If I ever tried to swallow gum, I'd probably panic (omg it'll be in my stomach for years!). Then in my panic, I'd choke and croak and end up being another tragic example of why you should always believe the wise old wives tales.
I've always swallowed my gum (and have since lived to tell the tale)! My parents were quick to dispel any weird rumors I heard about it, so I was never too worried. I'd heard the "stays in your stomach for years" rumor too, but the favorite in my area was that if you swallowed gum, it'd stick to your heart and make it stop beating LOL thankfully that is not remotely how anatomy works
Honestly I'm convinced that my early gum-swallowing habit is what made it so easy for me to take pills. Even huge capsules don't give me any trouble.
NOOOOO..... why are you guys swallowing it!!!! I know it's just the rumor thing but I rather just spit it out when I'm done, feels wrong to swallow