when you have gum, do you


  • swallow

  • spit

  • I don't eat gum

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sometimes I swallow it when I'm not near a trash can to spit it out and it makes me feel like I'm livin on the edge. I had the swallow it and it'll stay in your system for seven years thing ingrained in me as a kid so it still feels weird to do so though
I don't typically chew gum, but I usually swallow. If I'm near a trashcan and have a napkin or something on hand, then sure, I'll spit. But swallowing is far more convenient, and I don't have to worry about curious little animals ingesting it or getting sticky. 😬
I don't chew gum often, but I always spit it out when I do. I have accidentally swallowed gum before, and I found it to be quite unpleasant
i'm not a fan of gum precisely because i do not like swallowing it. yes there are no health risks but also it's just.... idk. ick?? i spit it out but its such a hassle to find where to throw it (esp if ur in the middle of class or sumn) so i just don't bother w gum at all anymore.
I spit it out. I don't spit it out on the ground though. Usually in a tissue or a trash can. I've swallowed gum a handful of times and I don't like little remnants sticking to my throat. Especially if it's the type of gum that turns almost powdery when you chew it for too long....ugh

I technically shouldn't be chewing gum anymore since the dentist screwed my jaw up. I live on the edge.
I used to swallow gum like an idiot when i was a kid lmao, but i quit thankfully haha and now i dont eat gum at all
i only really have chewing gum to stop my brain from imploding on an airplane, but i always spit it back out!

....this IS about gum right?