Where is Gnome? - Closed!

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Round 3
"I heard that DJ's don't actually mix music on stage, they just act by turning and pushing some buttons.. but she isn't even doing that!"
Round 3


Surprised (to Reliable): Oh no! That sounds dangerous…

Reliable (to Surprised): Don’t worry about it, Surprised, Sleepy’s already half asleep and there’s only like six of us here…
round #3

"sprightly... there's something i have to tell you," passionate began quietly, edging closer to the other gnome. he leaned forward, reaching out to cup sprightly's ear as he lowered his voice to a whisper. "i ate your secret applesauce stash."

immediately, sprightly sharply pulled back. "you WHAT?!"

(i see them being sneaky on their own back there.)
round three

are we sure the posters got sent around? i just can’t see anyone out there…
Surprised: "I thought K.K Slider was playing tonight?"
Reliable: "Beats me! She's pretty good though!"
Passionate: "Do you think the other's will notice that's not K.K Slider? *worried*"
Sprightly: "nah, they're from the same ancestors.. it's in their DNA! 😄"​
Round #3

😎 Mr. Rebel: "Oh have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard."
☺️ Mr. Laidback: "Heard what?"
😲 Mr. Surprise: "Laidback, DON'T!!!"
😎 Mr. Rebel and Audie singing loudly and obnoxiously and repetitively through the speakers: "B-B-B-BIRD, BIRD, BIRD, B-BIRD'S THE WORD!!! A WELL A BIRD, BIRD, BIRD, THE BIRD IS THE WORD!!!"
🤤 Mr. Hungry: "YEAH! Now it's a PAR-TAY!!"
THIS. This made my day lol, thank you. 😂
Round 3:
🎵 Gnomes in this house
There's some gnomes in this house 🎵
Round 3:

Reliable to Surprised: Have you seen Passionate & Sprightly? They're supposed to be helping me go over the directions to get us home.

Sprightly: Your idea to get us here to DJ Audie's Beach Beats show worked!
Passionate: I know Reliable is trying to get us home but I couldn't let us miss out on a once in a life time chance to see Audie live! Plus, you know how into her Rebel is.
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Round 3

Reliable Gnome: Well, I guess one of us should go ask Audie for directions...

Laid-back Gnome: Why? This place is great! It beats home, any day!!

Rebel Gnome: Woo, Audie!!!
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