• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Where will you play NL most?

I would be scared to play it on the train. I live in New York, people will mug you for a flip phone haha

Yeah... I've never been to NYC, but I wouldn't play on public transportation in most places in the US. I lived in the Baltimore/DC area for most of my life. Baltimore's Light Rail or DC's Metro and a 3DS? Yeah right.

I don't have a problem doing it on the trains in Japan though. If people wanted to steal something, there's plenty of people that have more expensive things out that they're using, like iPhones and iPads. Japan's crime rate is extremely low though, so people can get away with having really expensive stuff on public transportation.
I feel the same in the UK, I wouldn't play on public transport.. I'll probably play in the evenings/nights and early mornings if I get up early enough :)
I will be on Summer Holidays from school next Friday so I will be able to play New Leaf almost all the time.
I'll probably play during the morning and sporadically during the day and then at night before I go to sleep I'll check some things. c:
That's how I am with wild world.
I'll play on the couch or on my bed if my brother isn't in our room. Hmm I just had a crazy idea O_O What if I made myself a little "den-like" Animal Crossing shrine, a comfortable place to play Animal Crossing complete with posters and chairs and merchandise. OH DEAR, I want to do this now ^_^
Probably in the evening the most often.

Most likely at home, not really crazy about bringing my 3DS outside with me.
I will play everywhere haha. I will mostly play while laying in bed like a lazy potato. I will also play while on the train to go see my boyfriend, its like an hour an a half journey + a bus ride ha.
I have a couch. It is a very nice couch. I call it my gaming couch. It's were I play games. In fact, whenever I play games it's always on that couch. So the answer of where I will play is:
On the lawn chair out in the yard.
I'll be playing New Leaf mostly at my room, on my couch during afternoon and late-very-late nights, or in my bed at mornings before going to college. Also I'll be playing it in college after classes with my boyfriend, maybe in the park or wherever I have the chance to play, like before the movie starts at the cinema or things like that.

I read some of you were a bit self-conscious about people judging us for playing, dont be! Its a great game, much better than what people thinks its 'accepted' now-a-days, besides you are still who you are, playing NL or not.
You can even find new friends if they see you playing on the 3ds a game they like haha. :)
Mostly at home in bed. Will take it if I go on any vacations though and will prob always bring it with me on the off chance of getting a streetpass.
Probably somewhere near my computer, like where I'm sitting right now. When it's really late at night with nothing to do, I plan on visiting the dream suite.
In the Kitchen while having my morning coffee and in my computer chair in my room. I am glad its portable but I am wondering if I will feel that way when my NL Bundle arrives since the 3DS will be a XL.
Ooo I love this post!

I'm going to preoccupy myself cleaning my room for the first 2 weeks of June and then create a kind of Animal Crossing shrine w/ Pepsi and sweets. My friend is getting the game too and we r literally going to wake up at dawn and go straight to GameStop #nolife I know. But we have been waiting since 2010 and NL is the sole reason I bought the 3DS. Core fan here.

Anyway on the first day we'll play all day in my room, the next all day in her house and so on :D also ill play on bed at night an inn the morning and on warm days well go outside and sit in trees playing NL. I actually can't wait o___O never been more excited for a game in my entire life.
I'm going to play it on my 3ds xl :D lol ok, jks
I'm going to play it mainly in the morning and night or my day off. If im lucky I might get some time at work during breaks. but that will be far and few between...
Well, I have to go to school & work, but when I find time between those I'll definetly use it to play! Probably also in the morning and evening.