Which do you prefer C.J.'s Fishing tourney or Flick's Bug off?

C.J.'s Fishing tourney or Flick's Bug off?

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Based off prizes alone, the bug off offers me more things that fit my vibe and aesthetic.

Also CJ is annoying af like I don’t get how Flick puts up with him. He’s just too much personality.

And the whole making a crap ton of bait before the fishing tourney is so annoying.

I don’t really like participating in either and most of the time skip those days all together, but if i had to pick it would be the bug off.

Now if we had a diving tournament, that would be fun!
I would say Bug Off for ACNH and ACNL if it was a question. I think its because fishing is already a bit hard and somewhat ✨stressful✨ to click at the right time and the time limit in ACNH's bug and fish tourneys do NOT help. I love the bug furniture and rewards a lot more than the fish ones even though both have some SUPER CUTEEE items!! Bug wins for me :)
Bug off. The trick is set a perimeter that you will circle the entire round. Now fill your travel path with some trash here and there (tires, candy, turnips, cans). The more the better. This will spawn ants and flies. Now run around catching bugs and all the ants/flies. Very easy way to get a good amount of bugs.
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i like fishing better than bug catching but i picked the bug-off instead. i know you can play the fishing tourney without crafting bait but bait crafting makes it so much easier yet it's also a pain to craft multiples (crafting bait one at a time sucks so much). fishing tourney has the better rewards imo but i think the bug off is a lot less frustrating for me to do; flick is also way better and more interesting to talk to than cj tbh
As a character, I much prefer Flick over CJ. However as an event, I've always enjoyed the fishing tourney more. I just enjoy fishing in animal crossing, and the addition of bait makes it a lot easier. I also personally prefer the rewards you can get from the fishing tourney, like the rod stand and the anchor statue. I do still enjoy the bug tourney though.
my island isn't really ideally set up for either so i always come away from both feeling a little frustrated i haven't caught as much in the time frame as i could've, but i think i'd have to go for the bug off! as much as i adore fishing, catching bugs is definitely less frustrating and less time consuming, which is ideal in the competitive situation! also i'm much more likely to use some of the bug off prizes than the fishing prizes - things like the butterfly backpack, ladybird rug etc are so cute, whereas out of the fishing tourney prizes i've really only ever used the squid drying rack.
i haven't participated in either for a while though, so i definitely need to get better at booting up the game every now and then
I already chose the bug off but I wish I could change my vote now. One thing I just remembered is that the fishing tourney is only once per season, meanwhile you get four bug offs for each month in summer. So I think I actually like the fishing tourney a little more because at least you get to catch different varieties of fish!
I already chose the bug off but I wish I could change my vote now. One thing I just remembered is that the fishing tourney is only once per season, meanwhile you get four bug offs for each month in summer. So I think I actually like the fishing tourney a little more because at least you get to catch different varieties of fish!
You should be able to change your vote now!
I think both are great and offer very interesting prizes, but in terms of said prizes, I like what the Fishing Tourney has to offer more, as I actually use several of these around my island as decor, such as the Anchor, Fish-drying rack, Fresh Cooler, Fishing-rod stand, and the very adorable fish pochette for me! 🥰🐟

The only Bug-Off item remotely useful as decor imo is the Artisanal Bug Cage, but I have to say that out of the two NPCs, I enjoy Flick a lot more in terms of design and dialogue. I'm fond of reptiles and I just think his obsession with art and bugs is so entertaining 🐞🐜🐝🦗🕷️🦋🐛 C.J. has his fun moments too, but he's more millennial whereas Flick is a bit more traditional which I tend to like more.

To me, the Fishing Tourney feels more like an actual sport, where it's you vs. the timer, using fish bait, finding the right locations to fish, casting the line properly and working hard for them fishies, and with the Bug-Off it's more like an adventure/expedition, running around swinging your net. Bugs can spawn more often around the whole island, yes, but that's only when you're not actively hunting them down lol at least, in my experience. When I couldn't care less about them, they're all over the place buzzing around my face and around the gardens, but when I really need them the most it's like they become extinct.

While I do enjoy fishing because you never know what you'll catch and I like that element of surprise and challenge, those fake bites can get pretty annoying pretty quickly, especially when you have a timer on your back (my cue to press A is the splash sound that accompanies the actual bite, and it helps if I close my eyes to listen) I also really like the more carefree nature of bug hunting, so I have to go with the Bug-Off. But the Fishing Tourney definitely offers the better items.

I honestly would have liked both competitions way more if it were like in New Leaf where you could win items from the Insect Set (such as the Cicada Stereo and Caterpillar Sofa which were so amazing!) and the Fish Set (the Red Snapper Chair and Puffer-fish TV, just wow!) It would have given me much more incentive to participate in these events more often.
i’m honestly not really a fan of either tbh. i don’t like that we have to pay to participate now (i know it’s free the first time + if you do it with friends, but i rarely play with my friends), and the prizes aren’t my favourite either. i only participated in them long enough to get one of each prize and trophy, and also to complete the nm achievements. 😅

though if i had to choose, i think i prefer the bug-off. i’m able to catch more bugs than i am fish in the given time, and i like the prizes a tad bit more. i also like that the bug-off trophies have a butterfly on top of them — i love butterflies haha.
I like the fishing tourney more but prefer the rewards of the bug off. Ultimately I really enjoy both of them as long as its with friends.
I'm more into the Bug Off. The Fishing Tourney is underwhelming if you don't use bait, but digging up manila clams to craft bait with is tedious and I never really bother with it unless I'm trying to catch specific rare fish.

In every other main series AC game I've played, CF, NL & WW, I ALWAYS prefer the Bug-Off over the Fishing Tourney. Bugs are just so much more easier to catch and it helps that I can manipulate their spawn rate some by putting out hybrid flowers. I've never had a problem catching bugs before, fish is a different story.

Atleast in NH you can kinda manipulate their spawn rate by tossing fish food into the water, but it takes more time to search and catch them, they don't naturally spawn back as quickly as bugs do (atleast in my observations) and there's the whole waiting game of them eating your bobber. This is the part I mess up on alot still, sometimes I press A before I actually have the fish on my line. Been playing for 10+ and still have that 'itchy trigger finger'🙃. Also I got rid of a TON of river in my main island, so I can only fish in the ocean. Nkt only that, but even if I had rivers all throu out my islands, there's still more land and therefore more spawning areas for bugs. Flowers, grass, trees, underground, still more chances to find bugs than fish.

While I do like the rewards for the NH Fishing Tourney (I find the rewards from previous games a bit tacky and too gimmicky) I like the Bug-Off characters personalities more, both Nat & Flick. Chip was a funny opposite to Nat, but I like the weird bug lizards more overall.
I found the Bug-off to be much easier. I got the gold trophy a while ago. Now I play to earn bells and duplicate items.

I'm still working on getting the gold for the fishing tourney. I've received all the items, so it's just slogging for the trophy.