Which do you prefer C.J.'s Fishing tourney or Flick's Bug off?

C.J.'s Fishing tourney or Flick's Bug off?

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I prefer the Fishing Tourney—as long as I go in with some bait beforehand, I generally do really well in it. My Resident Services is really close to my south beach, so all I have to do is run straight down a short ways to get to a nice spot at the ocean. Once I get my character in a good position where I don't really need to move or make adjustments, it's easy enough to get in a pattern of throw bait, cast, catch, repeat.
I like more of the Bug Off's prizes, but it feels less "reliable" to me. Sometimes I get good spawn rates on bugs, sometimes I don't, but since there's no method for spawning bugs like fish bait with fish, it feels like a lot boils down to luck. Also, I find it hard to strike a balance between "running to save time" and "not scaring off bugs". 😅
For me the Fishing Tourney is easier, but the Bug Off is more fun. I usually make enough bait before the FT and my RS plaza ia very close to the beach to my south along with my airport) so doing FT is very easy. However, I find it boring and the rewards arent as interesting. The Bug Off is more difficult because I have go all over the island. Sometiems I scare the bugs which adds to the difficulty. The BO rewards are better than the FT rewards. My favourite BO reward is the spider web and termite mound and I try to get multiple of them. Also, Flick is so SO much better than CJ!

Well, it's Bug Off day, I think this is my 3rd Bug Off now. Recap: 1st one I didn't really bother about as I disliked Flick and was completely useless at catching anything, the 2nd one I managed to scrape a Bronze trophy, and the third one today, I LOVED it! I think my problem was before I had too many flowers all scattered around my island instead of being altogether. I basically focused on my flower field and my tree areas and I've only been playing it on and off since 9am, and it's 11.30am now and I've managed to win a Silver and Gold trophy! I know that may not seem like much of an achievement to fans of the Bug Off, but after my previous miserable scores I am delighted! I'm going to go and get some Bug Off prizes now. I am actually looking forward to the next Bug Off now. :D
I prefer the bug off because it's easier for me to get more bugs quickly than fish. But I suppose if I got a bunch of bait then that would certainly help. One good thing about the bug off is that there's a bunch of "summer" bugs that you can find and catch. At the same time, since all the bug offs are during the warmer months, the variety from one bug off to the next isn't as large as the variety of fish in all the fishing tourneys. I do like running around looking for the bugs though!
I've been wondering which event people prefer. I managed to get a Silver and Gold trophy from the last Fishing tourney, but today I've been playing the Bug off since 9am on and off and only managed Bronze so far. Personally, I prefer the Fishing tourney with C.J. as it is easier to catch fish as we can use bags of fish bait. Plus, has anyone ever noticed that C.J. gives you a lot more bells for fish, however, no matter how many bugs you bring to Flick he hardly ever gives you more than 4,000 bells. Usually I get on average about 2,000 bells for 9 bugs. I know the bugs I collect are normal bugs, such as: common bluebottle, paper kite butterflies, but I give C.J. common fish too, and get more bells. I think the reason I hate the Bug off is I am terrible at catching bugs on trees/tree stumps. If I walk slowly up to them, I either swing the net too early or too late and they fly away. If they aren't flying through the air or on the ground, I am useless! Does anyone have any tips how to catch bugs on trees/stumps? Is it better to catch from the front or the side of the tree? Thanks for reading!View attachment 448853
Personality-wise, I like Flick more than CJ. In practice, I like CJ more because I get the most money from him. Wanna get instant Animal Crossing richness? Grab the more expensive fish (sharks, dorados, coelacanths, etc.) to the point where they take up your entire pocket, or over that amount. Wait for CJ to show up, do the little challenges, and SELL THOSE FISH. Challenge-wise, I think I like Flick more because bugs are way quicker to snatch.
Both are terrible with the amount of time they waste by having you run back and sit through pointless dialogue all the time, but the Bug-Off is more bearable simply because catching a single bug never takes 20+ seconds if the game randomly decides to mess with you.

Seriously, WHY do fish in life sims always require pixel perfect aim and boop your fishing rods up to five times extremely slowly?
I just find fishing incredibly dull, so I prefer the Bug-Off, but I don't really like either. Even if Flick and CJ are on my island, I ignore them because I just don't like fishing or catching bugs.
I like them both, but I prefer the bug off because even though it was more challenging, it was also more fun than standing at the shore throwing bait. I also love Flick's design and the butterfly rewards.
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I originally liked Fishing Journey but over the years I now prefer Flick's Bug off. It was a lot easier finding Bugs and catching them, but for the Fish it was harder. Unless if you had Fish Bait it was hard to even find fish in the rivers and sea because they sometimes won't spawn. Not to mention it takes time for the fish to bite onto the rod.
I prefer fishing all the way I have always liked fishing more in animal crossing I find catching bugs to be more annoying :ROFLMAO:
Hot take, but I don't like either. I prefer the ones from the older games

If I had to pick, then bug tourney since it's faster in my opinion
The Bug-Off is a lot more fun and chaotic, especially with friends visiting. My best friend and I went wild during numerous Bug-Offs and really competed to catch the most, while during the Fishing Tourneys we mainly just talked calmly and griped about fish not seeing our bobbers or getting away from us 🤪
I prefer the fishing tournament with CJ because I have a big crush on this npc. Sometimes I stand in front of him, I look at him, he looks at me, I take a photo (he likes that too). But both tournaments are fun in themselves! It's just not the same thing. But I think finding fish is easier and we have the bait.
Personally, Flicks is easier for me. There are no limitations and I can run around my island for bugs. CJs has more limitations of sizes and sometimes I accidentally pull in the reel too fast and lose my fish :<
In terms of getting bells, the Fishing Tourney is better. For getting points, the Bug Off has that advantage. I love money, so the Fishing Tourney would be my preference. As I have now obtained all of the items and trophies, I don't do the events anymore. It was more fun in previous games where it was an actual competition against the villagers, whereas in this game, it's just "catch as many as u can!!!1" and the villagers do nothing but get in the way and talk to you about useless things.
In general, I like catching bugs better because you can see them. (But then again, sometimes I accidentally scare them off it not careful!) The unknown aspect of fishing has always annoyed me just a little bit. But I don't mind it as much in an untimed environment. But when I'm working against the clock of the fishing tourney, it bothers me more.
Also I like Flick better than Chip. His aesthetic is cool, he's chill, and he's so zen about wanting to commune with the bugs!
The fishing tournament only works if you have some bait so I went with the bug off