Pokémon Which Legends ZA Starter will you choose?

Which starter will you choose?

  • Total voters


Nov 29, 2019
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Dreamy Party Popper
Fair Pinwheel
Balloon Dog
Balloon Dog
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Zodiac Dragon Figurine
The starters for Legends ZA have been revealed!

For those of you that plan on playing the game, which starter do you plan on using?

Chikorita, the Grass type

Tepig, the Fire type

Totodile, the Water type

Tepig is the odd one (where is Cyndaquil? Lol)
I plan on using Totodile no matter what it ends being. ❤️💧
Normally I'm all about the fire starter, but as a great lover of boar and hogs, Tepig makes me SO SAD. Why does it turn into a big flat-surfaced person? A fire hog on all fours, with big tusks and flame fur, would have been so cool 😭😭😭

I've never used Chikorita before, so I'll probably give that one a shot. Not my favorite starter, but I like its evolutions. I typically play these games in tandem with my partner and we find it more fun to choose different starters. We typically give first choice to whoever has the strongest preference / whoever likes at least two of the starters, and he is a big fan of Totodile, so I'll probably let him have that one. (I got my choice of Fuecoco last time.) Or I will face my fears and start with Tepig and learn to love the bipedal.
Going to be going with Tepig as I normally choose the Fire type starters in almost every Pokemon game I play. I also really love Tepig as a Pokemon and am sad that it's not favored as much as Snivy or Oshawott in generation five.

Totodile is pretty cool and is what I would choose if Tepig wasn't available and it was something like Scorbunny for example. I can't really say I have much interest in Chikorita though.
I think all of them are kind of meh, but Totodile is the least meh so I’ll probably pick that if I even end up getting this game. I don’t get why they would make two of the starters be from the same region though.
Totodile... seeing as how it was my very first starter pokemon back when I picked up my own Silver version.

Hoping these starters recieve megas as well~
I love Tepig, but as with many of the starter Pokémon, I don't love its evolutionary line. I've always liked Chikorita too, and I do like its final evolution, plus I'm yet to pick a non-grass starter (even when I say I will), so it's likely that will be my starter! 🍃🌿
I still need to finish Arceus so I’m not 100% sure if I’ll get this yet.

Right now I’m leaning towards Chikorita or Totodile; before reading this thread I’d be leaning more towards Totodile but after reading
Chikorita! Lil guy receives so much hate, dont worry lil lettuce I've loved you forever 😭💕
it makes me want to give it a chance since, I admit, I never gave it a chance in other games 😅. I usually pick fire starters and the next one I picked more would be water. Charmander, Cyndaquil were my favorite fire and water, Mudkip and Piplup (i liked the water steel type of its final evolution the best of the three starters’ evolutions of that gen). I don’t think I’ve ever used totodile much if I ever got one and I’d love to try it too tbh, since I do like its design a lot and all its evolutions look great. I don’t remember tepig much, so if I tried it, I don’t remember how I feel.
I usually pick fire starters and the next one I picked more would be water. Charmander, Cyndaquil were my favorite fire and water, Mudkip and Piplup
I usually pick water or grass . Cyndaquil is my favorite fire starter 🔥 Piplup is a fantastic starter. I love my penguins 🐧.
I feel like I can't truly make a decision without seeing their evolutions/megas

That being said, unless the new Meganium or Emboar completely blow me away (or they do something regrettable to Feraligatr's design), I will probably go with Totodile.
I feel like I can't truly make a decision without seeing their evolutions/megas
Upon consideration, I agree with this too. I'm very curious to see the final forms for these starters. I am definitely open to picking any one of the three depending on how much the final evolution changes from its original.

Put Emboar on all fours please . . . please . . .
I personally am gonna wait to see any alternative evolutions (if they give them the LA treatment) or mega evolutions! But as they are now maybe chikorita?