• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Which of the 4 Laws would you choose for your town?

I think I will try out Morning Village first... I'd like to be able to play a little bit before I go to work.
I'll definitely be picking the Night Owl Ordinance! I love catching bugs and fish that are out at night and it'll be nice to sell them right away instead of putting them in all of the free spaces in my house. Haha.
I'll probably end up going with the beautiful ordinance for a while. I like having a lot of flowers and trees in my town.
I might go with the early bird or night owl though, depending on how my schedule changes when I'm back at college.
I'll pick either Beautiful Ordinance or Night Owl. Probably BO for the long run, NO during the summer so I can get rid of bugs and stuff.
Most likely either beautiful town or night owl because I can't stand weeds in my town; it sounds like a neat idea that villagers can take care of flowers; and since I tend to play later in the day rather than in the morning.
When I first get New Leaf I will have the Night Owl law as I will want to play it loads! I willl later change it to a beautiful town law as I want my town to be filled with flowers
Mine will be beautiful and my sister's will be rich... Now I shall go to her town and sell all my junk :D
I'd say either Beautiful or Night Owl, with me leaning a bit towards Night Owl considering my schedule in real life.
I'm thinking of starting out with the Night Owl ordinance and transition to Beautiful Town when I play less frequently.
I'm going with Beautiful and see if I can live with the hours as they are. May be changing at some time since it does show you now what you've watered and what you haven't and it'll be easier to keep up with the watering...
I'll probably have the early bird town, since i'm always up at sunrise! Darn! Wish I could sleep later! :lemon:
I am a night owl to the point of having tablets for a recognised body clock problem and working from 11.30 am to 7.30 pm, so the Night Owl ordinance is going to be an absolute godsend for me, as I don't get to do any gaming until 8pm at the earliest. That and stackable fruit. I always had issues getting to Nook's to sell things before.
If I remember correctly, the early and late towns are not even worth it. I believe Late town will make all shops open for +1 more hour. Same for early Bird

Every shop has it's own opening and closing time this time around.
a shop that closes at 8PM will now Close at 9PM (late town).
If I remember correctly, the early and late towns are not even worth it. I believe Late town will make all shops open for +1 more hour. Same for early Bird

Every shop has it's own opening and closing time this time around.
a shop that closes at 8PM will now Close at 9PM (late town).

I am fairly certain it's a difference of 3 hours. (3 hours earlier for early bird or 3 hours later for late night)
Do clovers (and 4-leaf-clovers) count as weeds and occur less often if you choose the beautiful law?
Yeah, traceguy it's a 3 hour difference, not 1 :p

I'm going with beautiful town on one cartridge and rich on the other. My fianc? doesn't care about the price increase, I don't think he really understands it, actually. But hey, exploitation at its finest! :3