Which plush collectible is your favourite? 🦖🐥🐝🐈

Which plush collectible is your favourite?

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Space whale is my favourite! Not only is he my favourite plush, but I would say he's in my top 3 collectibles of all time. He's literally the cutest thing ever? I love him so much 🩵 I didn't even participate in 2023 space camp but as soon as I saw he was one of the collectibles I bought him from someone right away.

The other ones that I like are the dino plush, the shooting star plush and the black sheep plush. I'm not even sure which event the black sheep was from, but I lowkey regret not getting one.
my favorite plush collectible is definitely the celeste chick plush! so adorbable and I'm so happy to finally have a real life celeste chick plushie to match too 🥹 ( thank youuu @/Laudine! <3 )
My favorite is the Mom’s Plush because it’s a dog. I really wish it was the Puppers variation. That particular variation reminds me of my first dog. She was a beagle.
Choosing a top 3 is hard, since I honestly like a lot of the plushies! The Space Whale Plush (
) is the top one for me, not just for its design but for the memories I will forever have associated with it. Dino Plush (
) is a close second! I like dinosaurs, what can I say, lol. The third is the Friendly Ghost Plush (
)! I just love the design, and think it looks fantastic as a result.
The bluebird and ducky are my favs, I really like birds and they are sufficiently cute / rotund
I don't collect many of the plushes, but I love the kitties, the sheep, and tricolor puppy! I'd actually really love to see the other puppy plush variants as collectibles. Imagine... just a full row+ of dogs.
I would love to own a
Space Whale Plush
Space Whale and a
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Bluebird of Happiness sometime. 💙

Also waiting for the Julian Plush from this year's Celebrating Diversity event to be included in the polls, though I wouldn't say it's my favorite 👀
Oh don’t make me choose from my babies 😂💜

If I had to pick 3 then

Celeste (amazing surprise gift from my dearest friend which I will treasure forever)

Bluebird of happiness which I couldn’t afford in the event and my beautiful friend just sent it.

Third has to be Dino as I won it in a giveaway from the amazingly kind @Croconaw.

(I refuse to think about how rare the Julian plush will be 🙈)
I would love to own a
Space Whale Plush
Space Whale and a
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Bluebird of Happiness sometime. 💙

Also waiting for the Julian Plush from this year's Celebrating Diversity event to be included in the polls, though I wouldn't say it's my favorite 👀

Unfortunately, there is a limit of 18 possible poll options, so it's not possible for me to add the Julian Plush to the poll at this time!
Perhaps as we get more plush collectibles, we can break them into groups, and have multiple polls. 😊
I voted for space whale and bumblebee, but I think the space whale may have won by a hair for me. The color palette is very nice and the plush in general is detailed.
Bees, I just like bees.
Plush collectibles are nice.
Definitely Celeste Chick. I was trying to collect all the plush collectibles at one point and pretty much had them all but found I never displayed most of them. Celeste however I display pretty frequently as she’s part of my all time favourite lineup I have. I also have the irl Celeste Chick plush as well. Love her so much!

My second fave is the Shadow Kitty. I don’t really display it but it’s the only one other than Celeste that I couldn’t bring myself to sell when I sold off my plush collection.
There are so many cute plush collectibles, but I think my favorite is the Shooting Star Plush. I love the pastel colors and the subject matter. I have a soft spot for star-themed collectibles

For the other plush collectibles, I'd rank them like this:

S Tier(I adore these and will be keeping them forever):
Shooting Star Plush,
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Bluebird of Happiness Plush,
Shadow Kitty Plush
Shadow Kitty Plush,
Space Whale Plush
Space Whale Plush,
Inky Cap Plushroom
Inky Cap Plushroom,
Shiitake Plushroom
Shiitake Plushroom

A Tier(I still love all of these, just not as much as the S Tier plushes. I'd like to get the ones I don't have eventually):
Crow Plush,
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Ghostly Kitty Plush,
Friendly Ghost Plush
Friendly Ghost Plush,
Dino Plush
Dino Plush,
Celeste Chick Plush
Celeste Chick Plush,
Sheep Plush
Sheep Plush,
Mom's Plush
Mom's Plush,
Bee Plush
Bee Plush,
Toy Duck Plush
Toy Duck Plush

B Tier (These are all cute, and I do like them. They're just not my favorites):
Black Sheep Plush
Black Sheep Plush,
Asteroid Plush,
Green Alien Plush
Green Alien Plush,
Fancy Kitty Plush,
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush*,
Clownfish Plush
Clownfish Plush,
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Tricolored Puppy Plush
*I wasn't sure if I should put the Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush in A or B tier, but this is a plush ranking, and it isn't that plush-like to me, so I decided on B

C Tier (I do like these, but I think this style of plush isn't as appealing to me in collectible form):
Julian Plush
Julian Plush,
Dreamy Bear Plush
Dreamy Bear Plush
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My top favorite plushies are Fancy Kitty Plush, Ghost Kitty & Shadow Kitty; I love all three equally since I love cats so much ☺️. I hope I can get a whole lineup of them one day. These are S tier for me.

My next favorite would be the Space Whale; I love the colors. I was sad I missed the event but I was able to buy one from a collectible shop 🙂. I’d love to get more of them too. S tier for this one too.

I love my new mushroom plushies, Inky and Shiitake. Of the two, I’d say Shiitake is my favorite. I’m not sure yet how I rank them.

The only other plushies I own are the bee, dino and clownfish. I love them all though they’d be maybe B tier for me (maybe A tier for the Dino plushie).

I love the color of the bluebird, the design of the ghost; also been starting to eye the asteroid plush (I thought it was an odd colored rotten turnip that was bit into when I first saw this 😅). I’d rank bluebird and ghost A tier and the asteroid maybe B tier.
I love plush collectibles! I'm not an avid collector of collectibles but I like most plushies and get the ones I like.

My top 5 (current) favourites are:
1. Inky Cap Plushroom
2. Crow Plush
3. Space Whale Plush
4. Bluebird of Happiness Plush
5. Shiitake Plushroom
I figured it was time for me to make a new post here since my first one is a bit outdated.

My top two fave plush collectibles are the Bluebird of Happiness and the Fancy Kitty. The Bluebird is my #1, not just because it's cute but because it's personal and holds so much meaning for me. I also love the Fancy Kitty because cats are my favorite animals.
dino plush forever has my heart, i could never bear to part with my boy :lemon:💚

celeste chick plush and the original sheep plush are a close second! so cute 💗

​This was a hard question to answer! I decided to rank all the plush collectibles . . . for science.
  1. Dino Plush
  2. Space Whale Plush
  3. Celeste Chick Plush
  4. Mom's Plush
  5. Black Sheep Plush (or regular)
  6. Bee Plush
  7. Bluebird of Happiness Plush
  8. Clownfish Plush
  9. Friendly Ghost Plush
  10. Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
  11. Green Alien Plush
  12. Shadow Kitty/Fancy Kitty Plush
  13. Asteroid Plush
  14. Ghostly Kitty Plush
  15. Toy Duck Plush
  16. Tricolored Puppy Plush
  17. Shooting Star Plush
  18. Dreamy Bear Plush
