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#1 Filbert Fan!
Sep 3, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
International Space Cetacean Star Fragment
Blue Crescent Moon
Pink Crescent Moon
Blue Star Fragment
Shooting Star
Pink Star Fragment
Hey mods, can you give us something to do maybe another little side project while we wait for results. You don’t have to give us extra points just give us something to keep our anticipation levels at bay 😂🤣😂🤣 I mean do we need to go and clean up around Cabin five since they were kind of using the toilet anywhere. Do I need to get the 409 out for that one thread from the bird from Birdwatching because I bet as long as that one bird waited he probably pooped everywhere. I heard someone stole Oblivia’s toilet paper and tp’ed Mistriel’s evergreens cabin after the etoile mirror so you might need help cleaning that up.
Hey mods, can you give us something to do maybe another little side project while we wait for results. You don’t have to give us extra points just give us something to keep our anticipation levels at bay 😂🤣😂🤣 I mean do we need to go and clean up around Cabin five since they were kind of using the toilet anywhere. Do I need to get the 409 out for that one thread from the bird from Birdwatching because I bet as long as that one bird waited he probably pooped everywhere. I heard someone stole Oblivia’s toilet paper and tp’ed Mistriel’s evergreens cabin after the etoile mirror so you might need help cleaning that up.
dont even get me started, it was a mess. mistreil, please draw with your dominant hand for the next event or im switching teams 😂 im joking we luv you and mar

but for real though, poli's you gotta clean after yourselves cause the only person you got to throw the cleaning duties on is the ghost bunking at the buzzy bees cabin, no one else is touching that
dont even get me started, it was a mess. mistreil, please draw with your dominant hand for the next event or im switching teams 😂 im joking we luv you and mar

but for real though, poli's you gotta clean after yourselves cause the only person you got to throw the cleaning duties on is the ghost back at the buzzy bees, no one else is touching that
Hey! Leave our ghost alone! Our ghost just got out the karaoke machine! We’re going to sing some of these new camp songs!
My team let the polis use our restrooms and even lent them some snacks, but…some days, especially tonight, I noticed there were some wrappers and a bunch of crumbs (and help me >< ants) in the bathroom. I don’t want to point any fingers, but ahem @xara please explain yourself 😋 or at least tell me what mischief has our mutual friend put you up to? 😏😉
My team let the polis use our restrooms and even lent them some snacks, but…some days, especially tonight, I noticed there were some wrappers and a bunch of crumbs (and help me >< ants) in the bathroom. I don’t want to point any fingers, but ahem @xara please explain yourself 😋 or at least tell me what mischief has our mutual friend put you up to? 😏😉

sorry dun, my lawyer says i’m not allowed to answer this. 😔👀
oh well how am i supposed to refuse such a cute lawyer?? i mean, look at her face! 🥺😭

Don’t worry. she probably wants to ask if your lawyer will share her some snacks 😋. And then, after she will have a serious talk about those crumbs and ants. 😏
Don’t worry. she probably wants to ask if your lawyer will share her some snacks 😋. And then, after she will have a serious talk about those crumbs and ants. 😏

if your lawyer isn’t as messy as mine the amount of times she’s tipped her dry food bowl over.. oml >_<, she can help herself to all the snacks she wants!

... though, now that i think about it, those crumbs may have come from my lawyer. perhaps she’ll need her own lawyer. 👀
if your lawyer isn’t as messy as mine the amount of times she’s tipped her dry food bowl over.. oml >_<, she can help herself to all the snacks she wants!

... though, now that i think about it, those crumbs may have come from my lawyer. perhaps she’ll need her own lawyer. 👀
girl, atleast she doesnt play with her food and then sneakily smack it under the couch like my dog. he's a menace, everyone else's pets sound likes angels compared to him. 😂
i would send a pic of him but i wouldnt want to disturb the royal prince's slumber. he'd be so grumpy lol