Who is the best (and worst) Sanrio villager and why?

Who is the best Sanrio villager?

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Etoile gang rise up!!!!
Kiki and Lala are easily one of my most favorite of the Sanrio characters (along with My Melody), and Etoile fits their character and aesthetic perfectly! From her name meaning "star" to her species being a sheep which is associated with dreams... idk she's perfect in every way and I love her so much 😭❤ I've been waiting for her since day 1 of ACNH and I can't believe it's finally happening! She's finally coming home, my baby sheep!!

(Least favorite is Rilla LOL sorry I just dislike the Gorillas and am not super fond of Hello Kitty compared to the rest of the characters)
Etoile, because I had her in NL, and all sheep are so sweet, and remind me of my dearly departed grandma. ^_^
to be honest, i’ve never personally experienced any of the sanrio villagers as i don’t have their cards but my favourites have to be marty and chelsea! they’re both adorable and i love them and their items so, so much. might also pick up a pack for myself as a late bday present if i can actually find them (the struggles of being canadian lol).

the worst sanrio villager for me has to be rilla - might be a bit biased since i’m not really a fan of the gorillas in general but she’s definitely not my cup of tea. c’:
I will agree that Chai doesn't really share much similarity with Cinnamoroll but I still like Chai the best.
I'm a sucker for villagers with names that match a theme and as others have said she makes a cute companion for Tia :)
I'm shocked to see so many people upset at these villagers coming back, saying they prefer other Amiibo villagers....... Do we see the same villagers? To me, the Sanrio ones are the most Animal Crossing-y Amiibo villagers.

But on the topic of this thread, I love Chai! She has a teacup on her head! That's wild! Etoile, too, is absolutely adorable. I have an aversion to apes and monkeys in real life, so I have to pick Rilla as my least fave, especially since she looks hairless, but isn't meant to be hairless all over. Apes, man.
I'm still torn whether I want to put the effort into getting the cards or not. I haven't been to Target in a long while.

Gold Medal - Etoile - I'm a fan of purple and that sheep is a pretty purple. She has a adorable Kirby face as well. The star theme is also pretty cool and is making me question my Normal choice on my island. I do think the scarves were cuter than the current shirt version of the sheep though.

Silver Medal - Marty - He kind of caught me off guard that I actually kind of like him more than I ever gave him thought when I looked him up in the past. He's a cute little cub with eye pleasing home interior.

Bronze Medal - Chai - Simple and cute. She is very precious with some lovely colored items to go with her. Her home feels a tad empty though.

I want to love Toby cause I love his frog stuff and interior, but he will have to grow on me cause the actual villager is harder to love than the awesome frog furniture. Chelsea has grown on me a little the more I looked at her, but I don't think she is for me... her super pink home has already been done 20x over by other female villagers... so it doesn't even feel unique.

The Bottom Pick - Rilla - It was a toss up between her and Chelsea for a bit, but I just find Rilla's eyes, her bow nose, and the beige of her belly peeking out below her shirt a little off putting. She isn't horrible beyond redemption though. I can also appreciate them going with a very unpopular species instead of just milking the most popular.
Hmm. Toby is the only one I'd seriously consider moving onto my island - I like his cartoonier looking face and he has the best furniture imo(although I wish they'd made him a frog - frogs in AC are so cute!). Second choice would maybe be Chelsea? I think because she gives me kinda 1960's mod vibes with her hair + outfit. And I love her lil bunny ears!

I don't have a least favorite bc I think they're all cute even if the more pastel-y stuff isn't really my thing :giggle:
Etoile, I like sheep villagers in general and am often drawn to the pastel colours so I think she’s really adorable and pretty, she’d been the villager that I most wanted to make a return so I can’t wait to get her on my island. Only downside for me is the normal personality as I already have two permanent normals (Fauna and Molly) so I need to decide whether to have 3 normals (if I had to have 3 of one personality I would’ve preferred snooty) or to replace Molly. I do also really like Chai, she’s really sweet and her shade of blue is lovely, plus as others have said she’d go really well with Tia.

My least favourite would have to be Rilla, overall I’m just not keen on the gorilla villagers, not sure if it’s due to the species or not but she never really makes me think of Hello Kitty, and when I was very young I loved the series so I would’ve preferred a cat villager to accurately represent her, mostly for the nostalgia. Also not really sure how to feel about Chelsea, usually I love the deer villagers but I really dislike the green hair, it just looks odd on her to me.
Marty is my favourite and I hope I’ll be able to welcome him on my island! My second favourite is Étoile. As for the others, I’m not particularly fond of them, but I love the furniture.
I did have Chelsea for a short time, but ended up replacing her with Etoile. :)

The pastel is a bit much tbh. ^_^