Who were you in high school?

the loud dumb girl who was almost always late and couldn't focus on lessons(tm)

And that's still me!! 💞 💗 💘
I'm still in HS, but for the longest time I've been that one quiet, nerdy, artsy, tomboy-ish kid in the back.

Never liked 'main stream' things all throughout school, which was probably why I had no friends to begin with.
Took high school online at home which is perfect for me being an introvert 😎(y)
Got to sleep in, completed work in only a few hours, teachers were super nice, ate at restaurants sometimes during lunch break, checked up on my New Leaf villagers... It was a fun experience!

I was also really into Attack on Titan, Free!, and Hetalia back then which are all things that I still love now 😆

However, I was very terrified of talking to people! I've definitely gotten more friendly since then, but I'm still very shy 😳
It's been 9 years since I graduated and so much has changed. The whole time I ran around with the same group of catty girls lmao. It was endless drama. It was always girls though, I never had a male friend in high school. We were the loser group though but that's what probs drew us together all through high school. I only talk to one of them now every once in awhile.

In grade 12 I came out and blew everyone's minds and it revved up the bullying & gossiping. Thank god that's over with now but I'll still get dreams that I'm back in high school and they are so realistic that it's unsettling.
I was the one person who cracked jokes and was super nice. People always talked to me but never had any personal friends. However, I was also super nervous and hyper. I applied for SGA senior year and I was so nervous to do my speech that I became very sarcastic when speaking but it made people laugh which made me feel better about talking.
The quiet, nerdy (of the anime/video game fan variety) loner girl who read books at lunch and tried to stay to myself. I wasn't incapable of dealing with other students when necessary (like in projects, though I asked for solo, alternate assignments when possible), but even in middle, high, and college, I liked doing things on my own time. Just never really craved the whole friend groups thing IRL, maybe because I kinda had built-in best friends in having two sisters close in age to me at home.

Despite that, people tended to like me for some reason lol. Maybe it was because I was one of the top students in my class and they wanted on my good side to help them with questions or notes if necessary and I was always unflinchingly polite (kind of a masking mechanism for some of my social standoff-ishness; people always said I had such a cute, friendly smile lol). Nobody really bothered me, so it all worked out well enough. High school actually is a time I wish I could go back to just because it was so easy compared to life now having to worry about work and stuff :/
That conservative asian girl that everyone thought was the teacher's pet cause I would always get called out for getting the highest grade XD
In reality...strict asian mom would never let me go out and hang w/ friends so I just stayed inside, studied all day and developed a love for video games lol
The pretentious loner who acted like she was better than everyone else. In reality, she was terrified of her own shadow.
Imagine your stereotypical high school movie scenario. Ya know, with your main character walking down the school hallway with books in their hand while people come and go. Or maybe you're thinking of a group of friends sitting in a cafeteria. Or maybe a a huge gathering of people at a sports event.

Now, stop and freeze that image.

Focus all the people in the background.

Focus very hard.

Okay, wait, stop-

Did you notice that one lonely person in the back? Yeah, that was me. You looked over me. In other words, I was literally an "extra character" in the background tbh. I was quiet and didn't really stand out much (I never really liked having lots attention focused towards me), not to mention super shy too. I guess the only interesting merit I had was that I was a computer science nerd with art skills.

I did have a handful of friends and stuff but over time, they sorta just faded away and now all of my friends are either in their second year of college or are now in their final year of high school. I ended not having any friends in my grade or in the graduating class of 2020 of my school and that's okay tbh. I've noticed a lot of people in my grade, compared to other grades, were full of people wanting to me Instagram influencers or trying to become the next big YouTube. I think having that level of fame kinda scares me especially with how prominent cancel culture is or how intrusive social media can be on people's personal lives.

Anyways, I mostly hung out with the people that don't really fit in a particular group tbh. Those same people are still my friends to this day and I still talk to them.

It's my first year of university rn and I miss having them. All of my classes are online and I don't plan on staying in a dorm since my college isn't too far away.

Here's to hoping that maybe something special might happen in the future.
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I was one of those kids that sat in the hallways by himself. I didn't have many friends in High School.
I was quiet, shy, and sometimes smart. I had some people I talked to for schoolwork and other stuff, but I was mostly a loner.
I was one of those kids that sat in the hallways by himself. I didn't have many friends in High School.

Yo same! I always sat in the hallway by myself.

I was shy and loner-ish. I had friends but really one stuck with me throu ALL of high school. Each year I had new friends but that was only for that year. In the mornings before first class I would sit in the hallway next to the class and write. 99.9999999999999% of the time I was the first kid waiting for class to start. I was always early for everythin cause idk I have this 'fear'(?) of being late. People thought I was smart cause they always saw me writing. All the time. Between classes, when I was done with my work, waiting for first period, when I was bored. I wasn't even doing school work, I was writing a novel.

People also used to ask me for the answers for all the quiz questions and cheat off me, but I was too shy and didn't have a spine to tell them no. Eventually thou I wasn't as smart as everyone thought, cause I kept getting bad grades on quizzes, so people eventually stopped asking me for answers. In turn thou I never asked for answers cause I was too much of a goodie to do somethin as cheating on a test😱 The teacher also knew everyone would cheat (with the exception of me) but didn't care. Most teachers also liked me cause I actually did the work, even if I sucked at it.
i stopped attending school in year 9 (which might be considered high school?) so i don't think anyone really remembers anything about me which is a good thing, i am a very quiet person and i didn't have any friends that stuck around so there wasn't much to remember. i was and still am usually referred to as "The Twin" because my twin sister was around and we were put in the same classes (she is also on bell tree lol) i went to hospital school for the last few years of my education and there were only 6 of us around at most. not really sure what the others thought of me because i had no personality but i did make a couple of friends there at least