Why Are Mice So Unpopular?


Jerry Mouse

Yeah,I think it's the designs of the mice in Animal Crossing that make them unpopular.Most cartoon mice are cute like Jerry from Tom and Jerry but I think only a couple of AC mice can be considered cute.There are also some of the AC mice that are downright ugly like Rizzo and Moose and I think there is some carryover from that to the other less homely mice.I have Bree,Samson and Limberg in New Leaf and I really like all three.
I agree with somebody else, I don't like the model for the mice. I think they could've been really cute but I don't personally enjoy the character model and then on top of that I find that a lot of the designs themselves aren't appealing. There's a few designs I'm okay with but there's no mice that I'm actively looking for, just a few that I wouldn't be upset if they randomly showed up, lol. I think a big part of their unpopularity is the model vs people associating them with disease! That could be the case but I don't think so. I'd group them in more with the gorillas and monkeys not being fan favourites just because the character models aren't the best, even if the design is cute it's being held back by the character model.
They weren't my favorite designs and for me it's how the faces are designed on their tear drop heads. It's definitely unique and sometimes strange.

Bella is unfortunately one of the designs that freak me out. Sorry for those who love her. Broccolo too because I guess it's combination of his bowl cut and his beady eyes, lol.

But after I had Rizzo live on my island, I really liked him and even felt torn when he asked to leave. I loved his expression, it always made me laugh.
I like mice in other media most of the time, and also in real life. They're adorable. But, like others have said, I think the Animal Crossing mice have a strange body/head shape that makes them unappealing to a lot of people, even when their face/color/etc. isn't bad.
Honestly I don't like mice simply because they are associated with disease and I'm a germaphobe lol. It doesn't help that some of them look creepy and/or dirty like Limberg with his unwashed, unshaven 5 o'clock shadow. I admit some of them are cute though like Bree, but personally I just wouldn't have one in my town by choice.
I have a hard time with the mice. I agree they don’t look bad. Some are really cute. They just are not memorable. I can only ever remember the names of Penelope, Bella, and Chadder.
i think generally the mice are just undesirable. in my own case it nothing to do with them being associated with disease or anything like that (that's a super silly reason to not like a villager lol). i just don't have room on my island for any mice, but either way many are just very ... gross looking.
I had never heard of Dora before, she is actually pretty cute!
But I can't say the same about other mice
Besides color scheme, I would like to argue that Dora looks nothing like Marshal lol. He's got a sweet little grumpy face and hair that rounds out his look. The squirrel design is just adorable in general, which adds to Marshal's popularity. As for the mice, I agree with what other people have been saying in that the design is a bit strange. I personally don't find any of them appealing.
rod and bree are cute but that's about it

chadder is interesting though

i gotta add that rod in particular is kind of a symbol of AC in my eyes? whenever i think of villagers outside of my faves, rod comes to mind. i'd honestly consider having him in a spare island if i had one, he's the only mouse that strongly appeals to me.
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like others have said the main issue is the character model, it's awkward
* When you realize you just found penelope on a mystery island and left her by accident :,) *
I find almost all of their designs.. unappealing? I also grew up being told that they're pests. I just kinda don't like em'.
I feel like most of their designs are just not for me and just their general shape. I think they could have made them a lot cuter.
I really like the mice villagers. They're not my favorite species, but I think their overall design is cute and there are a lot of specific villagers within the species that I love. Anicotti is my second favorite villager of all time and has been since the GameCube days. I also really like Bella, Greta, Rizzo, and Bree.
I just don't like how they're designed. If there was a mouse that appealed to me I'd invite them but there just isn't.
I actually like the mice designs! I don't have any on my dreamy list, but I do have a bunch of good memories from Dora, who was in my City Folk town :)
I think the mice are adorable (well, quite a few of them.) They are tiny and cute. Their head and ear shape could be better maybe, but I don't find them any worse than any other species.

Broccolo moved into my NL town at the beginning and never left. He's so tiny and his nose reminds me of a pencil tip. Penelope, Rod, Dora, Greta and Chadder have nice designs, too.
similar to the gorillas, lions, etc, the mice villagers’ designs seem to be unappealing to the vast majority of people (me included) and while i’m personally able to overlook it, their head to body ratio definitely throws some people off, too lol. personally, i don’t mind the mice villagers but none of them really stand out to me and i don’t have much of an attachment to any of them. bree and chadder are criminally underrated, though. >;<
They have a weird tall unnappealing head shape

Edit: wait; how does Dora look like Marshall??