Why Are Mice So Unpopular?

I really like moose, limberg, and chaddar.
I kinda like bettina but the name puts me off.

I think the main issue with them is their ears are huge and the designs are often simplistic.
Rod is the only mouse villager that I really like... the reason why I don't like most of the mouse villagers is because of their proportion, I feel like their heads are too big for their body, and I think the reason why I like Rod though is because at least his eyes are proportionate to how big his head is, unlike other mouse villagers that have small eyes which make their head look even bigger than it is and I just feel like it ain't right aesthetically... other mouse villagers that have a pass on the design for me include Bella and Bree, same reason as to why I like Rod but I just like Rod the best!
I think that it's for the same reason that other species, such as apes or birds are unpopular. The base of the villager seems a bit weird looking.
I think that they would be more popular if the head was less pointy and smaller to be proportional to the body. I also think that chubby cheeks would be cute. In real life, hamsters and mice aren't too different looking but the game hamsters are regarded as way cuter among players. (myself included) But also you have to think about it in the sense that if the mice were designed differently, they would look to similar to the hamsters. I hope this makes sense, sometimes I sound a bit rambley.
I think people that don't like them, either don't like the proportions, designs or are just not mice fans.

That being said, the species in design is a mixed bag for me. But I do like Bettina, Chadder, Greta, Limberg and Samson.

I like Rizzo for his Muppet's inspired name, his Japanese Folklore origin and his style. But he was such a dick to me in New Leaf.
Their designs are terrible. Mickey/Minnie mouse were actually cutely designed so I liked them when I was younger.
I don't know, I find the standard design pretty cute and their size makes them stand-out from other animals.

Chadder is a smol boi and he is precious.
I think mainly it’s due to their colour scheme/appearance. Maple is my favourite villager because of her appearance & colour scheme and a lot of mice are “out there” with bright, clashing colours. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so this is only my opinion, but I think they would be a lot popular if they had more cohesive colours/designs.
I used to really love the mice but I think they are small and most of them are very bold or clashing in color? They aren't as cute or soothing as the squirrels or cats, not as aesthetic for an island. There are just better options I think for people to pick from than the handful of clashing mice. (though I do really love a lot of them but I would just pick something else)
like a lot of folks i just don't like the model. if they were rounder, like the hamsters, i would like them more. give me a bean. some of the designs are adorable, but mapped onto a lousy model and i'm not gonna care.

make the faces less pointy, round out the ears, reduce the neck/shoulder distinction, give their torsos more chonk, and now we're talkin.
rod & broccolo are so cute ^^ Screenshot_2021-04-21 Rod (villager).png Screenshot_2021-04-21 Broccolo.png
I guess most people just don't find their designs appealing. And to be honest some of them have a very strange look imo, like Candi for example. Personally when it comes to the mice, I only find Rod and Bree design-wise adorable.
Not gonna lie, a lot of the mice villagers just have really bad designs😅 Rizzo is designed after thieves; Bella looks like she wanna bite; Candi... the way they drew her cheeks honestly make them look like inflamed pimples rather than flush. Moose, Samson and Anicotti just don't have flattering color tones... Also, personally for me i think i have an aversion to the species, mainly due to my not so pleasant experiences with mice in real life....so it's hard to really associate them with cuteness and the idea of having them on my island is a little too much for me to bear.

the only exceptions to the above I would say are Bree and Rod. They have appealing designs and colors so I would have no problem having them on my island (especially Bree whom I fell in love once seeing her in a dream tour and thought she is super adorable!)
Candi... the way they drew her cheeks honestly make them look like inflamed pimples rather than flush.
Someone once said that her cheeks looks like red eyes and she drew her eyes above it on to hide it.
I've not been able to unsee it ever since q
personally I don't like how big their ears are compared to the rest of their body, that said, I think broccolo is really cute
I don't like most of the mouse designs. However, Greta and Rizzo are amazing. Their designs reference Japanese culture, very interesting. And I think they are pretty cute. Chaddar and Candi don't appeal to me at all. I don't like bright color villagers and the exaggerated mouse design with the giant ears seems to be amplified with the bright colors.
Their models aren't the best and could use some tuning. About half of them also aren't pleasant to me.

Rod is easily my favorite of them with Bree, Dora, and Chadder being solid to me as well. Annicotti, Bettina, and Rizzo are alright.

I hate Bella's skin tone coloring with acne cheeks, Broccolo's hair isn't flattering and clashes, Candi's cheeks/eyes whatever is creepy the more you look at it, Greta is a bit too close to looking like some little old lady and not a mouse, Limberg looks sleezy, Moose's hair squiggles annoy me greatly, Penelope's ears being a ribbon doesn't work for me, and Samson is just too plain and his mouth is huge.

Overall I see more appeal in the mice over the octopi, cows, and hamsters.
Something about the models are just off putting to me personally and the ears bother me for some reason. But I do prefer them over the cow models