Why's your title that title?

I'm in the bunny squad with my friend and our group also has everyone's titles of "____ makes Raymond look like a joke"
I-I... uh. My mind has been weird the past few weeks so uh yeah. Am I an Inkling?
uh because my profile pic goes with it
pshhh...nothin personnel, kid..
I'm not completely serious about my new title but... It's definitely something that's been going on in my mind.
Well... I changed it again. Yeah, I'm in the basement too much. Apparently I'm also an Inkling.
quoting the one and only holly golightly. it means “a thousand tendernesses” in french
It's my passport title. My online handle years ago used to be "Star Surfer" (as in browsing the internet and sort of exploring the world mostly at night) and "Late-Night Wanderer" feels like a current me evolution of that
I changed my avatar, but I’m probably going to change my title again at midnight pacific time.
Well obviously, I am a big fan of MK8 Male Villager. Ever since I first saw him way back in 2014 I fell in love with him.

I'm sincerely hoping he makes it in more games. Especially Smash and the next Mario Kart game.