Will you abandon New Leaf when New Horizons releases?

Applying the same strategy I had for Wild World in the lead-up to City Folk: try to finish as many "quests" I set for myself as possible before the new game comes out, then make a hard break. Maybe go back every couple years for a reunion and to see what things were like, but in terms of active playing I can only support one Animal Crossing at a time -- and I'd prefer a game with an active online community.
Probably, yes, I've kind of abandoned it already so heh, it won't be too hard for me I guess.
Same here. I would also go ahead and say that I would still playing NL, but I know that I would caught
myself playing more NH and start to forget more and more NL. So I would say I will try not to abandon
it, but it could be that this will happen...

I second this
I haven't played with NL in almost a year and I'm not going back now, so yeah. Made the mistake of deleting my old save to start fresh and lost interest, but at least now I know that I shouldn't do the same thing once NH comes out.
I can see myself playing both games even when I get NH. I am attached to my town and love seeing how it changes from week to week.
I've already retired mine. I tried to start a new town to play daily until NH releases but unfortunately after seeing the NH footage I can't stop thinking about it and comparing the two. So New Leaf is retired for probably like 10 years when I want a nostalgia kick haha.
I’ll probably play NL every now and then but I’ll probably never abandon it unless the cartridge were to break or something.
I've never completely abandoned an Animal Crossing game after a new one was released, so no, I don't plan on just quitting it altogether. Now I may continue to take a break from it, I haven't played it much recently because my town is pretty much where I want it to be, except for a few rooms in my house, but at one time or another I always go back to my older games to play them for a few days/weeks.
I'm gonna say more than likely yes, unless Horizon is too boring to keep my attention, in which case I'll probably just play a sim game or something else, since I think by then, I'll grow bored of New Leaf anyhow.
Nah, my New Leaf towns will still have their own appeal to them. I have no intention of repeating any villagers from my New Leaf towns in New Horizons, so I'll still want to keep going back and revisiting my New Leaf games. I still have a bit of work to do in some of the towns and that should keep me occupied for at least a while. How short or long of a time it takes to see those plans to completion depends on how soon I get back into the swing of New Leaf again (I tend to take months-long breaks between binging on them for a while). Even when all of that is said and done though, again, those towns will still have their own appeal and reasons to revisit.

I'll probably play them less often, sure, but have no intention of abandoning them totally no matter how good New Horizons is.
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To be honest, I don't want to but real life will make me do it, sorry ACNL...
Do you plan on leaving ACNL? ♡

Do you plan on leaving AC:NL when AC:NH arrives?

I don't think I'll have the heart to leave my villagers behind, but I understand that some people are just too busy to spend time on more than one town.
I haven't played ACNL in almost a year and I won't be getting back to it before the new game comes out. I've thought about it, mostly because I felt nostalgic, but I'd abandon it anyway once NH is out so there's no point in doing that.
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I'm giving the game one last hurrah (building up a new town) before things go down in March, because I can't be sure that I'll ever go back. It's sad to think about, having spent so much time with New Leaf and getting to know my villagers so well, but it also feels like we're all embarking on a new adventure together (especially since I plan on inviting a lot of them to rejoin me on the island).

I guess they're calling it New Horizons for a reason!
I don't think I will abandon NL after NH. I plan on continuing to play it and I feel attached to my NL file.
I'll still be playing ACNL. Definitely not as much once New Horizons releases, but I won't just stop playing it altogether. In fact I still play Gamecube after all these years, so there's no way I'll abandon Fireleaf.