Will you be buying the physical or digital release?

i'm honestly not sure yet.
i think physical games aren't able to corrupt as digital copies can- but i've never had a save file corrupt. hearing about it though makes me a bit scared
the thing with physical copies, is that you can lose it easily.
with digital, you can't really lose it. if i reset my switch, or if i got a new one (lets say a special edition switch comes out that i want.), i won't be able to go back to my island, everything will be gone
i'm pretty sure i will only stick with one switch though; i'm getting mine in march, and it'll be the new animal crossing edition one.
if i do get digital, let's just hope i don't reset my switch for whatever reason.
plus, i could start playing right away with digital
Sadly looking at Amazon it won't release until 12AM PST so no midnight release on the east coast where i live
I’m definitely getting digital.
I’ve debated this for a while and decided there’s no pro for physical that means anything to me anyways. The saves are on the console, not the cartridge, so the argument that if your console gets corrupted your digital copy is gone holds no weight because you’ve lost your save data whether it was digital or physical. And the fact is that, at least in my case, I find it far more feasible that I’d lose or damage the cartridge sooner than I would destroy my entire system.
And all of that is beside the fact that I like the ease of both 1) being able to play at midnight when it’s released, and 2) being able to pull it up whenever I want without switching cartridges.
I’m not one for knick-knacks or novelty items either so I don’t care about having the cartridge case haha
I'd rather have physical for most games however I think I might get digital for ACNH just due to the fact that having digital for ACNL would have been convenient. I always wanted to go on my town for 10-15 mins at times then fire up another game. Taking the carts out was kinda tiring. My town will be ready to go whenever!! (We'll see though. I really love owning physical games.)
For games like this digital all the way. I want to be able to switch in and out of it without changing carts. I never bought digital on the 3DS or WiiU because of how they associated games with the console not an account. The switch changed that however thank goodness. Plus the save data, the part I care about not losing, isn't on the physical carts anyways so that's moot.
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I usually never do digital if physical is an option but this time I think I might just do digital for once because I want it the moment it comes out! Also, will probably be playing it for a long time so would be convenient to always have it loaded in the system.
Digital, it's nice being able to switch between games without having to change the cartridge (not to mention, find said cartrigde first).
Digital. Though the physical game preorder bonuses were tempting.
Digital, in the hopes I can download the game to my Switch Lite as well and have a second island. If that doesn't work I'll get a second copy in physical format for it.
Since I ended up pre-ordering the bundle now, I will have it digitally. It‘s more comfortable anyway, but I didn’t have enough space left on my other Switch and therefore thought I‘d get a physical copy before.
I'm planning to get the digital version tomorrow. :)
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physical because i love the look of my boxes all lined up. im going to suspend animal crossing new horizons on my ceiling like a holy entity
Physical for me. I try to get all of my games physically, unless they're digital-only or there's a major discount on the digital version. My Switch case carries a bunch of game cartridges, so it isn't an issue to have whatever I want to play available when I travel, either.

I like having the physical collection, and I also figure that physical games will make it easier to play any of the games on a second Switch if I ever buy one.
The other benefit of going digital is loading speed. If you're buying digital pop out the SD Card and let it install to the faster system memory. This way you will save about five minutes of loading time over a year of playing. :p

Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild - Great Plateau loading times:

Switch Cartridge - 35:45 seconds

Internal 32GB - 30:42

Sandisk 16GB Ultra MicroSD - 34:07
I'm really on the fence about getting mine digital or physical.