Senior Member
The common issue with people I meet on FL is they lack basic skills like inking the walls and attacking the bosses upfront once they start to appear instead of luring them near the basket (Stingers are an exception.. probably) but let's say on Lost Outpost/Spawning Grounds lowtide, there are like 3 narrow/thin strips of land there, then a Scrapper appears at the start of the wave or whenever. I'd mostly assume that they would immediately shoot to make them stop, not thinking that they wouldn't be able to go on their backs if they do that. Like how about, we wait and lure them until we have space to get on their backs or try to face their backs on your teammates. That's basic thinking. Also, how about we ink the walls so we could efficiently bring the eggs to the basket? And most importantly use them to make an escape if things get chaotic. That's only a few of my complaints. The rank system is unfair in a sense that it does not separate the ones who plays with friends and the ones who plays solo when you're actually playing freelance yourself. One could be 600 or even 999 but they don't deserve it because, well, they probably got carried and probably too busy spending time or asking the help of people they know to boost them so when they actually play FL, they get exposed that they could not carry random teammates or in a sense, play worse than what is expected of them. I met quite a few people who are like this. I mean, why do you play worse when you randomly get paired with me? lol do they get embarrassed after that? Sometimes, I show it to my daughter and she's like "What the" lol we couldn't stop laughing about it xD. "Like yeah sure. They're one of the best" xD. Not saying I'm good or my daughter is, but pretty sure, I did well compared to them based on how I post stuff here. She could've done better too as a teammate if she's in that place lol. If only, I could see each of their stat on Splatnet app, I could probably tell that they're spending too much time teaming up with friends so they could get carried. I wish I'd meet those so called "pros" with No loss/No death FL on their record while playing FL myself. Been playing a lot since ages but I could not see them. Maybe, they're always hanging out "With friends"? lol I mean, I could really use their awesome skill! Or they could probably end up playing worse again when they play with me? lol. Anyway, I play a lot of FL to say that one single death is quite a big difference on higher Professional, unless you have someone constantly reviving you. Everything is random so I don't think you get a teammate like that always so you have to be one to do that or be that person, and the better if you are good at being "egg runner". In the end, you have to balance both in order to survive.
Wish it was the same like with Ranked, if you want to play with groups, you can choose League Battle and it has the same ranking. Like if you play with friends, it wouldn't contribute to you ranking up when you finish a shift, as if you played FL. Also, I don't like it when I'm Profresh 800-900+ and I get paired with players who probably are in their lower Professional. Playing with randoms starting at 14 egg quota when you're Profresh 400 (for example) is not the same as playing with the same people when you're 800+. They almost always get easily overwhelmed. It's worse than playing HLM, tbh. It's like HLM but you actually aren't.
Yeah, I know those 999 players you are talking about. I saw them when you were playing!
As for the second one, well I am glad that you guys finished it but they have like 2/2 (revive/death) and 15 eggs?