Depends. If they're really fabulous and genuine friends, then I'd rather lose the money. If they're not "true" friends (or just casual ones), then I'd rather lose them.
Would you rather be forced to drink 3 beers or smoke 6 cigarettes?
6 cigarettes. A lot of people used to smoke around me when I was a kid (sounds really dodgy but I'm okay, I swear) so I'd probably handle it easier. Beer probably tastes as nasty as it smells so lol no thanks.
Would you rather be correct about everything but have no one believe you or lie about everything and have everyone believe you?
Deceiving others (especially when it comes to "bigger" things) is something I really despise to do, so I would definitely prefer to be correct about everything and have no one believe me.
I’d rather be the last person to die before everyone lives forever. Outliving every other person would just be depressing. On top of that the human race would continue to evolve while I’m stagnant. In just a thousand years English won’t sound anything like it does now. Wouldn’t it be stressful to keep up with cultural changes like that?
Would you rather be the first person to land on an alien planet or the first to discover the end of space?