Would you Rather...

Let my best friend win $100,000. My best friend is a nice guy, so I would be happy for him (plus he may share some of the money anyway).

Would you rather lose all your friends or lose all your money?
Depends. If they're really fabulous and genuine friends, then I'd rather lose the money. If they're not "true" friends (or just casual ones), then I'd rather lose them.

Would you rather be forced to drink 3 beers or smoke 6 cigarettes?
6 cigarettes. A lot of people used to smoke around me when I was a kid (sounds really dodgy but I'm okay, I swear) so I'd probably handle it easier. Beer probably tastes as nasty as it smells so lol no thanks.

Would you rather be correct about everything but have no one believe you or lie about everything and have everyone believe you?
Deceiving others (especially when it comes to "bigger" things) is something I really despise to do, so I would definitely prefer to be correct about everything and have no one believe me.

Would you rather eat pineapple or watermelon?
Is that like Vegemite or something? 🤔 I think I'll stick with jam.
Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jumping?
Bungee I think.. as long as it's over water. Both seem hella scary, but I trust a bungee cord over a parachute.

would you rather be the only person to live forever, or the last person to die before everyone else lives forever?
I’d rather be the last person to die before everyone lives forever. Outliving every other person would just be depressing. On top of that the human race would continue to evolve while I’m stagnant. In just a thousand years English won’t sound anything like it does now. Wouldn’t it be stressful to keep up with cultural changes like that?

Would you rather be the first person to land on an alien planet or the first to discover the end of space?
I'd rather be the first to discover the end of the universe. Because than probably all other things have been discovered and I'm very curious.

Would you rather be allergic to dogs or allergic to potato fries?
allergic to dogs

would you rather work at a job you hate for the next five years and then be able to retire or work a job you love until you die?
Hmm this is tough. Do you get retirement? Because retirement is forced after a specified age? I’d work at a job I love until I die

Would you rather spend 2 hours in a trunk or 1 hour buried in sand with your hands and feet tied
haha. neither
but if I must pick, then probably the trunk. there's a chance that I might not die if I choose that

Would you rather give up on your favorite hobby forever and be a billionare or do your favorite hobby forever but be somewhat broke?
I would rather be the billionaire and give up on my favorite hobby because I am sure I will find new ones!

Would you rather live in sweltering heat everyday or live is subzero cold everyday?
Sub zero, I like wearing extra layers and don't care for heat. Plus I love snow!

Would you rather be a bird or a fish?
Fish. Birds are a ploy of the government and swimming is nice. /s though swimming is nice

Would you rather teleport or go invisible?
the swing, much more relaxing imo

wyr never sleep or never work?
NEVER WORK!! i already don't sleep xD

would you rather eat a bug or eat dirt?