Would you Rather...

ice cream. that at least won't get stuck, can be washed off, and has a less likely hood of sticking to everything else.

would you rather have to walk barefoot for a year or in the same pair of socks for a year?
Same pair of socks, because I could always wash them along with me in the bath or shower before hanging them up to dry until I put them back on the next day.

Would you rather use a chainsaw as a toothbrush or as a nail file?
as a nail file i guess but either sounds absolutely horrifying lmao

would you rather eat the same thing for the rest of your life, or never eat the same thing twice?
Eat the same thing. As much as I'd LOVE to try new foods, I'm sure I'd run out of things to easily obtain and eat quickly, though... There are some loopholes ig.

Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be able to fly?
It seems that no one wants to touch this with a ten foot pole, so I will.

Donald Trump

Would you rather meet Joe Biden or Joey Ramone?
It did seemed that way, although even when it's an "easy" question/scenario, it will still usually take some time for someone else to answer (and especially if I post it at night, which is when this whole forum really dies down in terms of activity).

If he was still alive, I would definitely pick Joey Ramone! (I don't like Biden).

Would you rather work in a retail store or in a restaurant?
Retail. My memory would have me messing up orders in a restaurant far to often.

Would you rather play a game or design a game?
Antarctica. You can just keep layering on, but in hot climates you can only get so... not layered.

Would you rather lose all of your toes or lose all of your fingers?
lose my toes, i sit around all day so i'm not exactly using them 😂

would u rather speak to animals or speak every language?
Every language because I don't think animals have the thought power to exactly... say much? It would be handy and kind of interesting but there's only so much I would learn from a dog saying "hungry" 5 times. Being able to talk to animals doesn't make the animals any smarter unfortunately.

Every human language would basically completely remove any and all language barriers meaning I could communicate with every single person on earth in some way. I also assume this would include languages considered dying or extinct and that would be really interesting.

Would you rather live in a place where the sun never sets OR a place where the sun never rises?​
honestly it'll be nice to know what my dog is whining about all day lol

anyway, sun never rises, then i can sleep at night and get a lamp for the "daytime"

would u rather have a pet frog or have a pet tortoise?
I love frogs and turtles but have never really wanted one as a pet. I guess I'll choose turtle because I'm more confident that I could take better care of it.

Would you rather eat cake or icecream?
ice cream!!! i love ice cream sooo much 😋

would u rather go out and spend the whole day with a bunch of people (anyone like friends or family)
or stay at home by urself for a day?
usually I'd say stay at home but I've been doing that for over a year now, a day out with friends sounds nice.

would you rather eat sushi off the sidewalk or off of a park bench?
usually I'd say stay at home but I've been doing that for over a year now, a day out with friends sounds nice.

would you rather eat sushi off the sidewalk or off of a park bench?

I'd rather eat sushi off the ground, I don't want no butt salmon!

Would you rather fall into a live volcano or into a giant whirlpool?
Wirlpool, I tend to think my chances of survival would be better.

Would you rather be on a plane that is crashing, or a ship that is sinking?