Probably Chess, I used to play it a lot with my sister when I was younger and enjoyed it (though I'd probably be pretty useless at it now as it's been so long) but I was always rubbish at Scrabble
Would you rather be able to only ever listen to one song or listen to all the songs you wanted but could never listen to the same song more then once?
Having a sick cyborg arm would be cool but I'd rather have those fully intact 'cause I use em more and the whole
Opposable thumbs thing.
So I'll lose the leg and have that be cyborg instead! (Assuming I can replace the lost limb but still, leg)
Would you rather receive cash or gifts as a present?
Cash, I feel bad whenever someone asks me what I want, and then I say I don't want anything, and they're like I insist. I just ask for a gift card or something, I hate being a hassle.
Would you rather have kids or adopt kids (assuming you would want/have kids).