Would you Rather...

I don't want to drown, so I choose imminent death. Plane crash.

Would you rather eat rice or noodles?
noodles, rice is lit but i love noodles lol

would u rather have a pet rat or a pet hamster?
Probably Chess, I used to play it a lot with my sister when I was younger and enjoyed it (though I'd probably be pretty useless at it now as it's been so long) but I was always rubbish at Scrabble

Would you rather be able to only ever listen to one song or listen to all the songs you wanted but could never listen to the same song more then once?
ooof music is my life omg

listen to the same song because otherwise, eventually i'll run out of songs and i'll have nothing to listen to

would u rather live on the moon or live on mars?
the last. :’)

would you rather lose your sight or your hearing?
I would rather lose my hearing, although both are terrible.

Would you rather eat a tarantula or get bitten by a tarantula?
A frog. Probably less slimy. Slugs are practically living slimes.

WYR accept a villager you hate onto your island or kick out a villager you love?
I’d rather kick out a villager I love than to accept a villager I hate.

Would you rather have robots taking over the world or zombies taking over the world?
Robots—depending on what their goal is, it might not be so bad. I can't see anything good coming from zombies.

Would you rather have hair as long as Rapunzel's, or no hair at all?
as long as rapunzels! i think it would be fun, plus i could cut it to any length at any time.
Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?
Having a sick cyborg arm would be cool but I'd rather have those fully intact 'cause I use em more and the whole
Opposable thumbs thing.
So I'll lose the leg and have that be cyborg instead! (Assuming I can replace the lost limb but still, leg)

Would you rather receive cash or gifts as a present?
Cash, I feel bad whenever someone asks me what I want, and then I say I don't want anything, and they're like I insist. I just ask for a gift card or something, I hate being a hassle.

Would you rather have kids or adopt kids (assuming you would want/have kids).
I don't want children, but I'd adopt if I did. Pregnancy/childbirth is a big "no thanks" from me.

Would you rather only be able to eat food that was cold, or food that was hot?
food that was cold. i constantly get burns in my mouth from hot foods

would you rather only be able to have kids or only be able to have pets ?
Only be able to have pets because I don’t have to send them places and pay for them to go on trips and whatnot. Also I think animals are cuter

Would you rather be able to give gifts or receive gifts?