Writers— What Kind of Stories Do You Like to Write?


Team Nehellenia
Mar 31, 2022
Sautéed Mushrooms
Self-explanatory, I suppose. As a writer, I write all kinds of things— fantasy, horror, poetry, romance, historical fiction, and most recently, children’s. (A lot my stories are a combo of them, too, like fantasy romance, etc.) I won’t even try mystery— I think you have to have a more analytical mind for that, something I lack. I guess I have some potential for that…but I prefer reading it to writing it.

I do mostly poems and short stories, but this year I finished two novels that I’d started a few years ago and abandoned. I also wrote one…about two years ago? I don’t know what to do with that, really. Some of my poetry has been published locally, and most of my social media revolves around writing. I also blog.

And yes, I’ve written fanfiction in the past. I think anyone who has some interest in writing tries it.

I also won’t write anything overly violent or gory, or anything too depressing.

So, what genres do you like to write?
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I would probably write fantasy, post-apocalypse, and urban fantasy stuff if I were writing stories because post-apocalypse genre not involving zombies are often untapped potential when it comes to worldbuilding.

Urban fantasy is definitely a great sub-genre and I love the conecpt of technology and fantasy blending together. The concept itself has great lore building material and i love writing worldbuilding and character dsscriptions.