you get to move one npc onto your island permanently, who do you choose?

you get to move one npc onto your island permanently, who do you choose?

  • celeste

  • daisy mae

  • k.k. slider

  • pascal

  • gulliver/gullivarrr

  • wisp

  • c.j.

  • flick

  • redd

  • gracie grace

  • label/labelle

  • leif

  • kicks

  • other: post who if you want!

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Celeste! She's too cute and I love her constellation/star theme. I hope her big ribbon comes as an accessory like it did in NL.
either pascal or daisy mae ! i think they're both adorable and would make great neighbors
I want to say Rover -- and I was really sad they didn't make him a villager, though I understand why they didn't I suppose. That would remove his function from future games too and honestly I bet almost everyone would keep Rover on their island if that had been an option. But still :(

But tbh I wouldn't be mad to see Gracie Grace on my island either lol. I kinda like her, even though most ppl don't really care for her since she's a little rude. I always enjoyed interacting with her. But I'm still slightly and reluctantly holding onto hope that she's going to come back in some future update...
I wanna say Leif because I miss having a store for plants I can go to all the time, plus he's cute <3
I would love to have Celeste and Katie in my island! Both can become adorable villagers.
As much as I love Celeste. I love the surprise of running into her on my island! So I’m going to have to say Flick. I would adore for him to have his own little bug type shop or shack. Since Blathers hates bugs I’d love it if Flick would tell you more information on each bug. I’d probably keep his one commission per visit as one per day maybe
I voted for Kicks because I find his design really cool and it would be awesome to have an upgrade to the tailor shop for him to sell his wares. Celeste is adorable, but I do like the pleasant surprise of running into her while doing daily tasks in the evening. My runner-up choice would be Pascal because otters are adorable. 🥺
It's a tough choice,there are a lot of cute NPC both in the poll and not. But I say bring back Harriet and Shampoodle!

Or else Copper and the police station (not Booker tho lol).
Rover! It probably sounds crazy, but I missed him so much! I’ve been playing since GameCube and I’m so use to him being the first thing I see when I start the game. I was so happy when we got to see him for hay day, and I still keep his briefcase up in my character’s room!
for me it's between Celeste and Gracie Grace. I'd love to have Gracie sell her clothes and furniture sets we've seen in previous games. but if we're talking as a villager, I'd say Celeste + I think her house would be really cute.
Definitely Celeste:) I miss her observatory and constellations so much!

As for the folks who are rooting for Pascal, I see where he fits in with the Island life theme, and he might have a little pad somewhere that he hangs when he’s not floating, but he just seems too free spirited to me to live in any one place!

I like the idea of seeing the house that CJ and Flick share, but I especially liked how some suggested it be a separate island like Harv’s island. It would be neat to see all of Flick’s works in progress, or his little shrines. And it would be funny to see CJ’s livestream set up;)

And I’d love to see other NPCs come back like Katie!
I picked Redd. Always nice to see him. It was a hard choice, I like most of the npcs a lot. Out of the ones we haven't seen so far, Brewster.
I chose Leif! I really love Flick and Pascal as well, but I just think Leif would be such a sweet neighbor, with probably a beautiful garden, and imagining him sweeping his little yard or the plaza and watering and smelling flowers around the island is just too too cute!

(plus I think pascal already sort of lives on the island, or nearby at least)
This is tough :O I can't just choose one, so Celeste, she'd have a telescope you could put on the island, and still wander around for meteor showers. Flick, he'd have a model shop where you could sell your bugs, or get him to craft models, and he'd have a highlighted special bug of the day, and give you facts about it (I know Blather's does this, but Flick will do it with passion, and seeing him nerd over bugs is cute) and you could buy it, and finally Brewster, who again has his cafe, but the cafe would be expanded so there's a gyroid collection in the basement, and he has an apartment upstairs where you can visit him which has gyroids, but also other things which are important to him :)
Pascal! I love how much of a hippie he is. He'd be such a chill neighbor to have. You can just sit around a campfire on the beach and wax about life all night while looking at the stars. :) Plus he'd get all the scallops he desires!
This may be because I'm a biased sucker for Snooty villagers, but I'd love to have big-city Gracie in my small-town island! Watching her go from hating the rough-hewn living space to developing a soft spot for the fashionable rustic-ness of island life and the friends around her would be very rewarding.