you get to move one npc onto your island permanently, who do you choose?

you get to move one npc onto your island permanently, who do you choose?

  • celeste

  • daisy mae

  • k.k. slider

  • pascal

  • gulliver/gullivarrr

  • wisp

  • c.j.

  • flick

  • redd

  • gracie grace

  • label/labelle

  • leif

  • kicks

  • other: post who if you want!

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For me it would be either Leif, Brewster and or Katrina/Celeste if she ever comes back, my reasons are :

-Leif: I think probably no one would mind having Leif settle in their island so that we would not have to buy tons of bushes and store them for when ever we think we might need them, its just seems more convenient and logical to me to have him in town.
-Brewster: ah ! where to begin ? i know many people are bored of reading in post about pp wanting him in, so ill just say i need him and i have high expectations for him too.
-Katrina/celeste : ahh lovely Katrina, i loved going to her shop in NL and getting my palm read or my stars read depending on my horoscope but what i liked the most about her in that if i did not follow her advice on how to attract luck i would for example trip over every now and then while running , just adorable! How absolutely fitting and adorable would be a dynamic duo between Katrina and Celeste, i think they could do a good partnership.

PS: sorry i know its more than one 😅, but i would be happy seeing either one of them moving in :)
Straight-up, Wisp.

I always liked his character design and personality. I also feel like he offers the most value for repetition. With most of the other visitors, their function runs out pretty quickly. You get all of the Gulliver items...and you no longer need them. You fill your bank with tons of bells...and you don't really need CJ or Flick for extra bells. But, Wisp can always offer you "something new" until you fill your catalog (which feels like something that is taking me a long time to do, personally). So...yeah. Having Wisp around would be fun just for getting a new item every day...and because I genuinely enjoy him as a character. As it is, I tend to lean towards the stranger characters...(I have Ribbot and Merengue on my island, specifically because they're a robot and a strawberry cream desert. Lol) So, yeah...let me have the ghost.
Leif is my favorite NPC (design and personality-wise) and I think he'd enjoy island life. He'd have a wooden home in the woods surrounded by flowers with a small garden - often found with a shovel or watering can in-paw. He'd likely be chattering on about his plants with the locals each time they passed by.

Some may find his 'happy-go-lucky' nature a bit much sometimes, but I admire his always positive outlook and would be happy to welcome him as one of my permanent residents.
Leif is my favorite NPC (design and personality-wise) and I think he'd enjoy island life. He'd have a wooden home in the woods surrounded by flowers with a small garden - often found with a shovel or watering can in-paw. He'd likely be chattering on about his plants with the locals each time they passed by.

Some may find his 'happy-go-lucky' nature a bit much sometimes, but I admire his always positive outlook and would be happy to welcome him as one of my permanent residents.

Hmm is there a plot selling near by, cause you picture it so beautifully and peacefully that now im in the mood to move in right next to him too 😂 , maybe i can teach Leif Yoga and he can teach me how to not kill my flowers by accident🙈
Gracie Grace all the way! I miss having her set do much.

Me too, to be honest, I wished she was also a villager as she looks super cute and has tons of personality. I must say after seeing what they did with the Halloween set ( compared to NL ) I cant wait for them to re-introduce Gracie with her new and updated sets, they are gonna look stunning I am so sure of that. I just dream of her interior and exterior glamorous, fancy, chill and all sorts of different vibe of furniture.
flick is my favourite NPC; i love reptiles, and i absolutely love his style and passion 🖤 i think kicks would be a really nice addition too, because every time i see him around or interact with him, i just get this black market dealer vibe from him. it doesn't help that his main lines are also lines used from shady merchants in other games, 'what'dya buyin', what'dya sellin'' type stuff. i find it adorable and skunks are also adorable.
Some may find his 'happy-go-lucky' nature a bit much sometimes, but I admire his always positive outlook and would be happy to welcome him as one of my permanent residents.
leif's such a pleasant npc honestly, his happiness is contagious. every time he says "aw, thank you!" when you buy something from him my heart melts 🥺 i will give him all my bells hands down
Me too, to be honest, I wished she was also a villager as she looks super cute and has tons of personality. I must say after seeing what they did with the Halloween set ( compared to NL ) I cant wait for them to re-introduce Gracie with her new and updated sets, they are gonna look stunning I am so sure of that. I just dream of her interior and exterior glamorous, fancy, chill and all sorts of different vibe of furniture.
it's definitely possible that gracie could come back but like, it kinda seems like she was replaced by label - at least in terms of clothing :/ BUT who knows, they could still bring her back and have her sell her own brand again regardless
I'm gonna be like everyone else in the poll and pick Celeste. I would love to see her walking around my island all the time! And I bet her house would be really cool too!
leif's such a pleasant npc honestly, his happiness is contagious. every time he says "aw, thank you!" when you buy something from him my heart melts 🥺 i will give him all my bells hands down

it's definitely possible that gracie could come back but like, it kinda seems like she was replaced by label - at least in terms of clothing :/ BUT who knows, they could still bring her back and have her sell her own brand again regardless

I also definitely think Label replaced Gracie in terms of clothing even though they need to work of Labels character development and product line, I still think I would like the idea of Gracie coming back but this time in order to give Label some freedom to work her fashion independently to grow as a designer she would focus only in furniture.
Daisy Mae ! Maybe when she's grown enough she'll find that living on my island is a good idea and will move here permanantly haha !
I know Isabelle was excluded because she basically lives at town hall but I still vote for Isabelle. Nobody deserves to live at their workplace! I think it might be cool if Isabelle and Digby lived together and took work shifts instead of having Isabelle work 24/7 while basically homeless.

Same idea for Tom Nook, but I'm not sure who would trade shifts with him...