Your favorite, underated villager.


Unicorn Avant-garde
Nov 18, 2014
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Mine is no one else than!


Wart Junior, I was kind of shocked to see he was in tier 1, I mean look at him he is so cute!!!
All this while he is cranky also, I remember Admiral in the old animal crossing and he could be so ruuuude, but Wart Junior a nice guy, I always liked the cranky villagers, but browsing trough the lists I saw some ugly ones as well...

Anyway what is your favorite underrated villager? For me Wart Junior even though last tier he's still worth more than a milion bells!
Drake is amazing and I won't hear otherwise from anyone.

Mine is no one else than!

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Wart Junior, I was kind of shocked to see he was in tier 1, I mean look at him he is so cute!!!
All this while he is cranky also, I remember Admiral in the old animal crossing and he could be so ruuuude, but Wart Junior a nice guy, I always liked the cranky villagers, but browsing trough the lists I saw some ugly ones as well...

Anyway what is your favorite underrated villager? For me Wart Junior even though last tier he's still worth more than a milion bells!

I also really love Wart Jr. and was surprised as well that he's a Tier 5. He ended up being one of my original villagers and now is one of my dreamies that I hold on to dearly. <3
Drake is amazing and I won't hear otherwise from anyone.

I also really love Wart Jr. and was surprised as well that he's a Tier 5. He ended up being one of my original villagers and now is one of my dreamies that I hold on to dearly. <3

:D I hope I can keep Wart Jr forever as well, at least if he goes away he is easy to get cause he's tier 5 I guess.
Pierce! He is the only Jock villager I like.... I think the idea of a jock bird is better than thinking of a Jock horse, cow, cat, or any other animals, because those can be scary....
There are a lot. But my top 3 should be Clay, Rodney and Caroline.
People who says Clay look weird and/or Rodney is whack and/or Caroline suits to horror themed town would never understand what the "special" is.
Derwin the duck; he's so dorky and cute~
I used to have him in my first town is Tex the penguin. He is a total smug villager; i swear he hit on me 5 times a day when i used to have him; so many hilarious memories
Bam. Wasn't sure if I was going to like him but he's an amazing villager. Super helpful, gives me wonderful furniture, the whole 10 yards.
Knox and Sterling. I'm surprised that not many people like them, they're birds with knight helmets! I also like Antonio because he's a jock villager and an anteater which are my two favorite types of villagers.
Joey the lazy duck, and Bianca the peppy Tiger! Joey was An original villager in my CF town, and it was love at first sight! Bianca was an unexpected move-in, and after a week, she STOLE Lolly's dreamy spot.
Basically all the male villagers in my town. I get why Anchovy and Cranston might be tier 5 because of their looks, but they're really pure sweeties <3

But Hamlet?! He's adorable with that chubby face :'D