I honestly believe without the mandates, people will do what’s best for them and others. You could make the argument that there weren’t mandates at first and people weren’t wearing the masks, but the government messed up when they made it required. That’s how it turned into an anti-mask, pro-mask war. I didn’t see any bashing before the mandates. Again, I’m not even sure if we’d be in a better place now had there not been mandates, but we’ll never know. I saw many people complying with wearing masks before every store made it mandatory.
I’ve snipped your message down because it's easier for me to reply this way.
I wholeheartedly believe that mask mandates were necessary. We didn't have the mask mandates in Canada until summer last year, I believe? From March-summer the masks were "recommended" but not mandated. Barely anybody wore them. I would go to a shop and see a handful of people wearing masks but that was it. Wearing a mask
needed to be mandated and they made that decision by looking at the number of people who chose not to wear a mask before it was required. If people are given the option to not wear a mask a lot of people will stop in a heart beat because that's the easier option. Not the safer option, not the smarter option, the
easier option.
It turned into an anti-mask vs pro-mask "war" because people are being ridiculous. I'm sorry to be rude but they are. Being mandated to wear a mask
during a global pandemic is not impeding on your rights anymore than
driving drunk being illegal is. Driving while drunk (or under the influence of alcohol) is a dangerous, self centered, self serving position and it is rightfully illegal. It doesn't matter if the person has a drivers license and is driving a car that they bought themselves - driving while under the influence is
dangerous and so it is illegal.
Going out to stores, the movie theatre, sitting on a plane - being in close proximity to people when you're
not wearing a mask is dangerous. "But I'm not sick!" You could be and not know it. You could be asymptomatic and never show symptoms or you could be spreading covid before the symptoms become present. You don't
know if you're spreading covid the same way a drunk driver doesn't actually
know that they won't hit somebody when they get behind the wheel of a car. It is reckless, dangerous, and selfish. You wear a mask to protect others.
You may have saw many people comply with the mask before the mandates but the vast majority of people are only wearing them
because they're mandated. They needed to see it become more than a recommendation before they took it seriously enough to wear one.
I don't wear a mask. I have my reasons and concerns. Ever thought about long term mental health? I've seen that it's mentally gimped peoples self esteem and has made them severely depressed. When was the last time you saw someone smile? That's why I still live like I lived in 2019. I smile and act compassionate when I can. Smiles are literal gold dust in current times. Let that sink in.
My mental health is not being negatively impacted by a
lack of smiles. That is incredibly self centered of you to believe that
your smile is worth more than another persons health. Your need to show your smile could be the reason somebody gets sick, could be the reason somebody loses a loved one -
those are the things that negatively impact a persons mental health. The global pandemic is hard and there are a lot of reasons for a person to be struggling mentally but not seeing somebody at the grocery store smile? That isn't it.
Furthermore if you really intend to argue this aspect of it - when I am grocery shopping I can still tell when somebody is smiling. Their eyes crinkle. Their voice is chipper. We are still interacting. I am still aware that they are happy in the moment. People are home with their families (and if they're not most places are allowing single person households to meet up with one other household), or they have the ability to video call with friends. They can see them smile that way. The smile of a stranger is
not more important than the health of another person. Smiling at strangers during a global pandemic is not saving lives. Wearing masks, getting vaccinated (if you're able! If you aren't able to get vaccinated then that's all the more reason to wear a mask),
doing your part to stop the spread of Covid, that is what's saving lives.