Your stance on wearing masks?

Do you wear a mask?

  • Yes, I wear one all the time whenever I’m around other people.

    Votes: 172 68.3%
  • Yes, but only in stores where it is required. I remove it after leaving.

    Votes: 70 27.8%
  • No, I don’t wear a mask by personal choice.

    Votes: 6 2.4%
  • No, I am unable to wear a mask due to a medical condition.

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Other (Explain in the comments)

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
I wear a mask when I go to the store and literally anywhere else. I don’t wear one when I go for walks outside or if I go to a park (tho if there’s people there I don’t go anyway). I like going to the park but I’m an antisocial butterfly and I do not like people so I don’t go anywhere near them when it’s occupied, even if it’s only one person.

I’m fully vaccinated so I don’t actually need to wear a mask outside (according to the CDC) anymore. I think from now on I might wear a mask to the store regardless because people can be downright nasty. Lmao
I know this comment is a bit old, but I just now saw it and I just want to say what a great point you have.

Vaccines are the key factor to ending this pandemic. Face masks and social may reduce the spread, but it isn't enough to to cause a significant decline in cases. This past year has taught us that.

I know these vaccines are new, and I know that there have been reports of (rare) problems, and I know that a lot of people are concerned about the side effects. I completely understand that. We all are. But we cannot let that deter us from doing what is right. Like you said, the sooner we all get vaccinated, the sooner these restrictions will end and the sooner non-essential things will open back up (thus returning to normality).

It's easy for us young and healthy people to say "I am young, I have a strong immune system, and I have no underlying conditions that put me at risk for severe symptoms." -- but these people need to remember that this isn't just about themselves. It's about protecting others as well, it's about slowing the spread a considerable amount, it's about coming out of this pandemic.

I am not gonna sit here and try to FORCE anyone to get it, but I do want you guys to at least understand the importance of vaccination.
The side effects of COVID vaccines are usually mild. In the U.S., there were blood clots in one out of every million Johnson and Johnson vaccinations, but that's nothing compared to the more than one out of every 600 people who have died from COVID. The health risks of getting COVID are way, way, way worse than any risks from the vaccines, even for younger and healthier people. Young people can and do die from COVID. They die at a much lower rate, but it's more tragic when children die from COVID. Kids can't get the vaccine yet, so it's all the more important for adults to be adults and get vaccinated to help protect children from getting and possibly dying from COVID.
According to the CDC, fully vaccinated individuals can ditch their masks. Places asking for proof of the vaccine could upset some people. It seems similar to being carded to buy alcoholic beverages, though.
the thing about that CDC declaration, though, is that plenty of anti-vaxxers can and will fake being vaccinated so they don’t have to wear a mask. only about 36% of people in the US are fully vaccinated at the moment, and people are going to take advantage of that unawareness of who is and isn’t vaccinated in places where it doesn’t have to be proven you did get the shots. not to mention that the average bystander doesn’t know for themselves who has and hasn’t gotten it — even if you have, it’s best to just keep your mask on for the time being.
What I find interesting about the new orders, or should I say the lack of orders, is how quickly people are giving up masks. Vaccination rates still aren’t ideal. We’re a good way’s away from an official end. Many people who used to be so pro-mask, saying they wear it for others, have turned and said they don’t need it because they’re vaccinated. I think it’s an incredibly short-sighted decision to give it up so easily.
absolutely. i wear two double-layered masks whenever i leave my house. i don't take my masks off until i get into the safety of my car. i wear masks when i'm pumping gas. i wear masks when i'm walking outside and may pass other people. i judge the absolute hell out of every right wing conspiracy theorist who refuses to wear masks.
Danm two mask like wtf, I barely ever even wear mask. Where I live it's not mandatory anymote
I’ve noticed that in places that still require masks, it’s not enforced. When someone enters without a mask, nobody would say anything. I currently work at an Airport and masks are still required for travel agencies, but there are some people walking around the terminal without masks. The Airport security or police officers never confront anyone. It’s like this particular rule isn’t being enforced. I wonder how it is at other hours of the day, considering I work overnights. I just find it strange as we have posters around the Airport that “we do our part to keep travel safe” and that sign is not currently true.
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I am fully vaccinated but I have several health issues that put me at an extra risk of catching Covid so I'm still wearing mine. I was sick last spring with it and almost didn't get through it. Many of my close family members passed away from it as well. So I am doing whatever I can to protect myself, my family, and those around me. I don't mind wearing masks- I always hated my double chin and my front teeth so it's just as well!

The way I see it, if there's no way to tell who is vaccinated now in stores, airports, etc., and with nobody having to wear masks anymore, I'm still going to wear mine for a while in most situations to be safe. It doesn't hurt anybody, I just never want to get sick like that again. Plus, with my health conditions who knows if I'm fully protected considering my auto immune diseases. I won't be taking any chances!
I have only had one dose of the vaccine (get my second dose on Saturday) but I always wear my mask when indoors and around others. Outdoors I don’t really wear one unless required, it is really hard for me when it’s extremely hot out to wear one outside. Right now both my jobs are requiring but I know that will change soon. Despite the mandate being lifted in my state for a few weeks now, whenever I go shopping I see only a handful of people without masks.

In my opinion they will be gone for the summer mostly, but might make a return in the fall.
I still like to be careful in places with a lot of people even though in most situations masks aren't required anymore. In restaurants & places where I'm eating/drinking I usually take them off. In general, I don't really have a problem wearing masks, I got some cool black ones and they look good, haha. I'm also still waiting on my vaccine so better still be cautious for a little longer (also out of respect to others).
Danm two mask like wtf, I barely ever even wear mask. Where I live it's not mandatory anymote
yes. two masks. i posted that in february, when cases were high in my area, while i worked in a food service position, and had yet to be vaccinated. circumstances change.
I wear masks whenever I go out. I'm going to continue wearing a mask as long as there are still active cases in my country. Thankfully we seem to be on track with our vaccinations and most people follow mask rules pretty well (maybe not complete social distancing and curfew rules though). Masking during an outbreak is nothing new to me. I had to do this in 2003 and during my last year of high school when there was a SARS scare, barely an outbreak. Where I live now, people used to wear masks before the pandemic because of the dusty roads. Masks are not 100% but they are there to help protect you and others, whether it be from virus or dust... so I see no reason not to wear it when it is advised by scientists. I don't mind wearing masks but ugh it's not doing anything for my skincare lol.
I am fully vaccinated but I still wear my mask because I am doing my best to be safe. There are places in my state (Georgia) where you are supposed to wear a Mask and other places where they say fully vaccinated people don't need to wear masks. I know it can be tricky sometimes, but for me I am just playing it safe and wearing a mask. I think no matter what people should still wear their mask because there could be that one person that can still have Covid that can spread it to others and causes cases to go back up again when the people who haven't gotten their vaccine become infected. Thats why its so important to get the vaccine and do your part to protect yourself and your community.
The side effects of COVID vaccines are usually mild. In the U.S., there were blood clots in one out of every million Johnson and Johnson vaccinations, but that's nothing compared to the more than one out of every 600 people who have died from COVID. The health risks of getting COVID are way, way, way worse than any risks from the vaccines, even for younger and healthier people. Young people can and do die from COVID. They die at a much lower rate, but it's more tragic when children die from COVID. Kids can't get the vaccine yet, so it's all the more important for adults to be adults and get vaccinated to help protect children from getting and possibly dying from COVID.
I had some pretty severe side effects from the second dose of the Pfizer at first, but it was worth it for sure.
Just wanted post an update- I still wear a mask in public even though I am fully vaccinated out of respect/peace of mind for other people. My mom has a serious chronic medical condition that causes her immune system to be very weak. She is currently scheduled to get the vaccine, but she hesitated at first because of her condition. Either way, I wear a mask in public in case I run into anyone like her who might not be able to get the vaccine due to medical conditions, or have received the vaccine but still fear COVID also due to other medical reasons. I wish other people would do the same (wear a mask), since seeing someone without a mask in public either means that they are fully vaccinated or are not at all vaccinated, and there is no way to tell.
Now that I'm fully vaccinated, I don't wear a mask unless I'm required to. The science says you're well protected from COVID once you're fully vaccinated, so I think a mask is overkill for me. I got jabbed with a needle twice so that I can go back to living life normally, and that's what I intend to do unless the situation changes drastically.
I don't wear a mask. I have my reasons and concerns. Ever thought about long term mental health? I've seen that it's mentally gimped peoples self esteem and has made them severely depressed. When was the last time you saw someone smile? That's why I still live like I lived in 2019. I smile and act compassionate when I can. Smiles are literal gold dust in current times. Let that sink in.