Now that I have experienced the AC:NH update, it is time to do my entry.
unless i already submitted then feel free to ignore this.
1. My favorite feature regarding the update is the Kapp'n Mystery Island Trips. Not only have I missed hearing his songs, but the ability to find Brewster there and visit new mystery islands makes me absolutely happy. I know this is something different from what most would say, but I just have a soft spot for the music in Animal Crossing.
2. My favorite Pokémon from the Sinnoh Region would have to be Infernape, the final evolution to Chimchar. Not only was Soul Silver my first Pokémon game, but my absolutely favorite. I absolutely loved carrying that little Pokémon step counter around with me, wherever I went. It brings me absolute nostalgic flashbacks to playing this game and without my obsession with my starter, Infernape (who I called, bob lol), I would have to say that is my favorite Pokémon from the region. I would like to end on a note, stating that Incineroar could never.
I would like to say thank you so much for the countless giveaways you have hosted on the forum. Not only have you inspired me to host my own giveaways, but I absolutely recognize the absolute heart you put into this forum and whenever I see you post, I get that happy dope to my brain. Thanks for being a member that I enjoy seeing on this forum, it definitely makes my day. Feel free to DM if you ever want to talk or play video games.