A Million Dollars, BUT

Yes. Just get someone else to buy you stuff.

A million dollars but you have to give it all to me.
Sure, you can have it. Lmao

A million dollars, but you have to win a survival show by staying in the wilderness way longer than anyone else on the show.
Id try.

A million dollars, but you have to eat ketchup and peanut butter toast everyday for breakfast
Sure, I’ll take the money AND the food. :D

A million dollars, but you have to rhyme in every sentence you speak for the rest of your life.
Heck no DX
I really can't handle rhymes.

A million dollars~but you can't spend it on anything that helps (psychically or emotionally) you in any way.
I'll still take it because you didn't say I couldn't help others :)

A million dollars, but you can never play any animal crossing game ever again.
I’ll take it. That’ll make buying books for university so much easier, xD

A million dollars, but you can only use the money to blow your nose with.
i'll accept! I have a serious case of hayfever.
A million dollars but you can only spend it on all types of nuts (eg peanuts, walnuts)
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I wasn't planning on starting a nut farm, but a million dollars seems like some good startup capital.

A million dollars, but for 24 hours you will be hunted down by professional bounty hunters. If you survive, you keep the money.
I'll take it!

A million dollars, but the year resets to 1992 and you don't get the money until it's 2018 again.

A million dollars but you gotta live in the coldest place on earth for the rest of your life.
That's fine with me, I love cold weather!

A million dollars, but you have to spend time with your least favourite person in the world everyday for a year.
Oh gosh no, that would be terrible. Not worth it.

A million dollars, but you have to be in the motion of dabbing everywhere you walk and go in life, for no reason.
Um, I don't think I'd take it.

A million dollars, but you gradually become half an inch shorter day by day in your height until you become three feet tall.
No thanks

A million dollars but you have to watch 10 movies that you totally hate
Since there was no specification about this being ongoing, I have to assume that once the 10 movies are over, I get the million dollars without any negatives. I'll gladly take that offer.

A million dollars, but you can never play an Animal Crossing game again.
i don't think i can handle that... :( i'm super weak

a million dollars, but all of your flaws are made 50x worse.
Not taking that.

A million dollars, but you must work for Kim Jong-un for at least a year.
Nope. Definitely not taking it.

A million dollars, but you can never have pets again.