A Million Dollars, BUT

Sure thing! I'm getting super rich over here.

A million dollars, but all fictional characters come to life and invade our world.
🤔... Suuure, why not. Though I can think of some bad ones, Ill say yes..

A million dollars but you have to erase and kind of video game memory you have of everysingle game you have ever played.
I would.... NOT take that million. I need to remember those memories.

A million dollars, but you have to change your avatar and signature every day on TBT for a year.
That would definitely get tedious (and I also kind of struggle being on any forum for 365 consecutive days, because as fun as forums can be, I also usually tend to grow weary of them), but I would still attempt it!

A million dollars but you have to eat your least favorite food three times a day for six stinking years.
Sure thing.

A million dollars, but you have to go snowboarding every day of the year.
Snowboarding in Florida? Sure, I can attempt that... 😬

A million dollars, but you have to lick the doorknob/handle everytime you enter and leave a building.
I would be dead within a month, so no.

A million dollars but you can never season your food again.
sure. i will simply buy things already seasoned or ask someone to season my food for me.
im assuming you mean i cant eat seasoned food in general ever again, though. in that case, i would still take the million dollars. its a lot of money and theres plenty of food that is enjoyable that doesnt require seasoning to taste great.

a million dollars but you have to live the rest of your life in Croydon, in London.
Sounds good. Give me the millionnnnnnnnnn~

A million dollars, but every time you go out to eat, the food is terrible.
Hmmmm, if it won't make me sick or fat(ter), then sure.

A million dollars, but you have to watch every single episode of The Young and the Restless up to this point.
That sounds... incredibly tedious, so no.

A million dollars, but you have to travel everywhere by camel.
Oh geez...I love animals so that sounds amazing initially...but I don't want my goods being permanently squashed either. Maybe the money would buy me a high end camel cushion, so yes.

A million dollars but you have to travel everywhere by tricycle.
Sure thing. That would be hilarious, actually. LOL

A million dollars, but you lose your sense of taste (taste buds).
Deal breaker. No way. I love food.

A million dollars but you have to survive being buried alive for 3 hours.
Nopenopenopenopenopenopenope. Nope.

A million dollars but you have to jump up and down nearly constantly for a month (you get breaks if you’re out of breath)
Oh maan, fine. Ill be a spoink this time, and have super fit legs lol

A million dollars but you consistantly have to hold a chicken in your arm/hands anywhere and everywhere you go 🐓
If it's a plush Egbert I'm holding, then yeah, give me that. I don't care if I get made fun of.

A million dollars, but you must forget your entire knowledge of Animal Crossing.
Sure thing, as I don't really play AC anymore.

A million dollars, but you have to do Tony Hawk skateboard moves on a judged show and break all of your bones.
Not worth it.

A million dollars, but you can no longer own any pets in your household.