A Million Dollars, BUT

That's easy if I can choose the location. I might end up staying there.

A million dollars but you can only use public restrooms for the next two weeks. If you have to use the restroom at your house, you are forced to find the nearest public restroom.
I could do that. I'll just make new playlists.

A million dollars, but you have to take ice cold showers for the next month.
I'm pretty sure that would wreck my vitals, and my hair real bad. So no.

A million dollars but you've gotta rollarskate every where you go. You can no longer use aby form of transportation except roller blades. You would defently get a good work out in winter heh.
Definitely not.

A million dollars, but you can no longer do your own shopping. Someone else has to go out and get those things for you.
This actually seems like there’s no real downsides. You’re less likely to impulse buy since you aren’t actually going there. As long as you have someone you trust, this seems worth it. Just give them a shopping list.

A million dollars but you have to complete one random task for one random person in your neighborhood every day. By task, I mean stuff you would pay other people to do, like shoveling the driveway, but instead of being paid, you’re doing it out of the goodness of your heart. Isn’t that nice? 😊
No. The person would ask me stupid things like jumping off a cliff or punching myself. I won't be a punching bag.

A million dollars, but you can no longer use condiments (like ketchup, mustard, ranch, etc) for your food. You have to eat them plain.
Tough one…but I think I could.

A million dollars but you have to sit through a typical church mass every day.
I can sit through it, but I’ll be on my phone tuning everything out.

A million dollars, but you have to share it with one randomly chosen person from your ignore list on here.
I don't have anyone on my ignore list. So...what do I do? I'll divide it up with everyone I am following.

A million dollars, but you have to eat only raw vegetables for one week.
That’s an easy yes! I don’t mind raw vegetables at all, so long as I’m able to wash them before consumption. I’d have to eat a good amount of them to actually fill me up lol, but it’s only for a week!

A million dollars, but you can never play a video game again.
I don’t think I could.

A million dollars, but you can’t watch any movies in theaters. You have to wait for their dvd release.
I guess I could do that.

A million dollars but you can’t watch movies anymore at all.
Sure, I don't really watch movies anyway. I prefer series or TV shows.

A million dollars, but you no longer have arms or legs. You just have to roll everywhere you go.
LOL as much fun as that could be, it's ultimately a hard no.

A million dollars but you have to survive a Roman Colosseum round against 2 armed prisoners at the same time (you are armed with the same weaponry).
Sure thing.

A million dollars, but you have to grab it out of a burning building.
Hmm, sure... but I really hope it's close to the door.🤞🔥

A million dollars, but you have to buy a gift for the user that posts after you (p.s. what are you gifting them?). 💰💸
I’ll do it and give them the most valuable gift of all: my love 😊

Oh… you wanted something physical? Fine, I’ll buy the next poster a new car of their choice. 🙄

A million dollars but you will literally melt if you are ever in an area where the temperature is above 100° Fahrenheit for more than 10 minutes. What a world, what a world indeed…
(Ohh a car. How fancy, I can't drive, but I'll take it)

Um no, that's a hard pass for me lol

A million dollars but you have to obtain it all in a Keywhole Arcade Machine, with ten refills. Each retry is free, so you can go as much as you need too 😁

Imagine that thing but Each prize spot has money
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