A Million Dollars, BUT

Guess I'll be up all night then lol

A million dollars but you have to give up video games forever
No, I don't think a million is enough to be 'trapped' somewhere...warm or cold.

A million dollars but you can only eat from restaurants/take-out moving forward. No more grocery stores.
I’ll do it! I have a sweet tooth and love sweets, so it’d probably be beneficial for my health if I couldn’t taste sweet stuff anymore, haha. No point in eating it if I can’t taste it!

A million dollars, but you have 12 toes instead of 10. An extra toe on each foot.
Sure thing! Give me that monies!

A million dollars, but you have to be carried through the sky by a murder of crows with the potential of falling and dying everywhere you go.

EDIT: Meant to say murder since that's what they're called. I don't know why I said flock. :LOL:
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Nope, you could get dropped the very next day.

A million dollars but Nintendo no longer makes new games.
...I can't take that money.

A million dollars, but you have to continue using TBT until the site dies without an avatar OR signature. Your avatar must literally be the default, and your signature must be completely blank.
Not that bad, I'd do it! Even if there isn't some spice to my profile, people can still get to know me in other ways X]

A million dollars, but the paparazzi is there 24/7 to try and ask HOW you randomly got the cash.

A million dollars but you have to defeat a Guardian from Breathe of the Wild irl.
Sure thing! Never played that game, so therefore they won't exist and I'll automatically win the money! : D

A million dollars, but you can no longer eat food or drink anything ever again. You'll continue to live... you just can't eat food or drink anything.
I don't know how to answer this one because I can't wrap my brain around it. What a weird concept. So I'll use food for example...if it was all one company, does that mean Doritos would still taste like Doritos and would Baskin Robbins still taste like Baskin Robbins? A singular company that still maintained variety of product, I'd say yes.
If they all merged into one thing, like now every steak would taste the same and every salad would taste the same, I'd say no.

That's why I love this thread, great questions like that one.

A million dollars but you can only talk to people by spelling your words out.
i would rather not.

a million dollars but your favourite (active) video game series never receives another entry.
Well, I'd have the million dollars wouldn't I? Out of interest is there anyone who wouldn't?

a million dollars but for every dime of it you spend, Kiefer Sutherland earns two.
That’s the guy from 24. Why not? (Did he do something bad I don’t know about, or was it just a random pick?)

A million dollars, but you must totally oppose something you’ve always stood for.
I don't think I could do that, no.

A million dollars but you lose one of your senses, chosen at random.
Chosen at random? No way.

A million dollars but you can never sleep alone ever again. A human always has to be sleeping right beside you.
Hell no.

A million dollars but from now on you have to drive a minimum of 50 miles every single day (if you don't know how to drive, then just pretend you do for the sake of this scenario).