A Million Dollars, BUT


A million dollars but you have to give up on your favorite food forever.
i'll take it. I can settle for my second favorite

a million dollars but you have to pluck out all your eyelashes with tweezers
GAHHH ouch. I've done it before with a few, not worth it lol

A million dollars but, you'd have to delete your ACNL town(s) and not play it (& AC Switch) for a year
...............um................. OK :lemon:

A million dollars but you'll not get married in your life.
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A million dollars, but you have to move to a different country.
That?s fine cuz I want to move to a different country anyway!

A million dollars but you?d have really bad breath that wouldn?t improve no matter what you try for a year.
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Ew no way

A million dollars but you suck at video games.
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Lol I'm halfway there, but would be a pain if it were that way forever

A million dollars, but you can't have any spices/salt in your food for a year (restaurants included)
I’m fine with that. Don’t really eat many spices or salt anyway.

A million dollars, but you have to make a cheesy band song like Summer Lovin’ in Regular Show and that’s what everyone will remember you for.
I'll take it!

A million dollars, but your TBT account must be banned permanently and you can never make another account ever again.

A million dollars, but you have to eat everything from the show fear factor.
um no big pass noooo have you seen the stuff they eat????

a million dollars but you can only spend it on meme brand products
I’ll take it.

A million dollars, but you have to ruin movies by saying an unpopular line in each one, and that’s what you’ll be remembered for.
I'd definitely take it!

A million dollars, but you can only eat salads for the next five years and nothing else.
Totally done! Sure, I'd hate salads even though I love them now but... what could possibly go wrong?

A million dollars, but every song will now remind you of a random sad memory.
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Um??? Ok

A million dollars but you will never play animal crossing for switch.
Not worth it.

A million dollars, but the smell of manure can never seem to go away. The scent always seems to follow you.
Cannot accept that. People would never talk to me in person, lmao.

A million dollars, but you have to crawl everywhere you go instead of walking for a week.
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