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Adult Gamers For AC:NL

i'm 28 and would love some adults to play with! i have a bad habbit of swearing and not being very kid friendly in general so i'm a bit nervous about playing with some of the kids! (i'll try my best for those of you i added though!)
my code is under my avatar :)

Ha! I have the same problem with cursing as well lol. I added you, feel free to add me back if you'd like :)
I'm 19, would love to play with older gamers as well. ^^ FC in the description, please PM me anyone who would like to add, don't know if I could keep up with this thread. :) I'll PM anyone I add right now as well.
I'll add whoever adds me! I'm 23, turning 24 in November. I tend to curse like a sailor and I'm very blunt, so I tend to be careful with my fc list concerning this game. :3
I'm 22 and I'll definitely share my FC once I get my Nl bundle. I'd love to see some of your towns.
I'm 19 technically an adult haha! Add my FC and pm when done and I'll add back ^.^
ok... i THINK i have added EVERYONE. from this point on, if you add me (which you totally should) please send me a PM cause i've just added almost 50 people and i can't keep up with this thread!

This is exciting~ Knowing that I won't constantly run into 8-12 year olds when I play the game. That happened so much when I played CF, it was unreal. >_< no fun at all, couldn't meet anyone in my age group. I've got 15 now already from this thread, and I can't wait to play with each and every one of you~
It really can be a lot of fun, especially with voice chat.. although they made that a bit difficult for NL ^^; guess we'll have to play next to our computers for that.
It really can be a lot of fun, especially with voice chat.. although they made that a bit difficult for NL ^^; guess we'll have to play next to our computers for that.

Really can't talk, though, unless my house is empty.
Always nice to have mature gamers. Let me know if you added me. FC: 3969-4282-7197
I'm 22, going to be 23 nearly a week before AC:NL reaches NA... and nearly 2 weeks before AC:NL reaches Europe! I've added a few of you already, but I wouldn't mind adding some more people around my age or older.

I don't mind if people add me either, but let me know by replying to this post, by PM or by visitor message if you do. I look forward to seeing everyone's towns... :)

Edit: My 3DS Code: 2449-4607-1442.
34 (birthday was last sat) if anyone wants to add me code is in the profile, just send a pm or VM that you did so I can add back.
Yay for grown up gamers! Aw yeah 18 and up, its that kinda party!

lol Just kidding, I am 23 and i would love to join you guys online one day but i

1. don't know how to get my friend code


2. Im getting the AC 3DS XL bundle
Hey everyone, I'm 19 and I would love to make older friends on AC:NL or at least someone around my age group. please add me if you like. I'll be getting the game on day one so I'll be on right away :).
Okay! Caught up on new people - if I'm missing you just send me a message, maybe I put the code in wrong! Also snagged the players who PMed me. :) It's nice to see such a diverse group in here.